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European Website on Integration
20 June 2016

Law 2016:752 concerning temporary restrictions on the granting of permanent residence permits for asylum seekers


On 21 June 2016, the Swedish Parliament passed a temporary law that limits the possibilities for asylum seekers and their family members to be granted permanent residence permits in Sweden. During the following 3 years, individuals in need of protection will be granted temporary residence permits instead of a permanent residence permit as stated in the Aliens Act.

Those granted refugee status are given a residence permit for three years and those granted subsidiary protection are given a permit for 13 months. If the person still has grounds for protection when the residence permit expires, s/he can be granted an extension. If the person can sufficiently support him/herself, s/he can be granted a permanent residence permit. 

Family members can only be granted a residence permit if the person who has been granted a residence permit in Sweden is able to support him/herself and the family members and has a place of living that meets national standards sets for families. Family members include the husband or wife, the registered partner or cohabiting partner, and children under the age of 18. In certain cases family members of unaccompanied minors who are granted subsidiary protection status can be granted a residence permit.

The law entered into force on 20 July 2016 and is intended to be applicable for three years. It will be evaluated during the first half of 2018.


Justitiedepartementet (Ministry of Justice)
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Lisa Pelling
Country Coordinator

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