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European Website on Integration
15 December 2017

Integration = Belonging - Migrant Integration Strategy & Action Plan


This is the first migrant integration strategy ever adopted in Malta. The document is divided into 2 main parts: the strategy itself and the accompanying action plan which is to be implemented during the next 3 years. Actions are to be reported on a quarterly basis and annual evaluations are foreseen. One of the key actions of this strategy is the I Belong Programme.

The Migrant Integration Action Plan sets out a series of measures and identify institutions responsible for each action, as well as a timeline for their implementation. Measures vary from setting up a new Integration Unit within the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality's Human Rights and Integration Directorate which will deliver courses to foreigners in the framework of the I Belong Programme to developing of a pool of trained cultural mediators for public services. The government also wants to run confidence-building awareness campaigns, strengthen the integration role of the migrant Health Liaison Office, issue employment licences of equal duration as the validity of refugee status certificates and develop a Local Council’s Integration Charter and a local integration fund.

The document also introduces a variety of relevant institutions involved in the governance of integration in Malata such as the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Integration and the Forum on Integration Affairs. It further has a section dedicated to Equality and anti-discrimination and one on mainstreaming.

The publication of the strategy and action plan was welcomed by civil society and international organisations, some of which were consulted during the process of drafting it.

Integration Strategy Malta
(1.33 MB - PDF)


Maltese gorvenment
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