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European Website on Integration
30 June 2006

European Commission for Racism and Intolerance third report on Slovenia


The third ECRI report focuses on “implementation”. It examinesif ECRI’s main recommendations from previous reports have been followed and implemented, and if so, with what degree of success and effectiveness. The third round reports deal also with “specific issues”, chosen according to the different situations in the various countries, and examined in more depth in each report. 

The report on Slovenia states that there has been some progress, however, a number of recommendations made in ECRI’s second report have not been (or have been partially) implemented. The communities who still face dicrimination are the Erased, Roma community, Muslims and former Yugoslav minority groups (not officially recognised as minorities though). These groups still experience prejudice, disadvantage and discrimination in a number of areas and do not yet enjoy access to opportunities to promote their identity and rights (see Slovenian integration dossier on access to housing). There has also been some drawbacks in the for asylum seeking persons, since their protections has been weakened by the adoption of amendments to the Law on Asylum in 2006. The increased use of racist, xenophobic and otherwise intolerant discourse in Slovenian politics still hampers efforts to improve the situation for all minority groups. ECRI recommends that Slovenia needs to strengthen the legal framework against racism and racial discrimination, and the introduction of provisions explicitly establishing racist motivation as a specific aggravating circumstance for all offences; as well as also the need to improve implementation of the legal framework in force and monitoring.

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European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
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