The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MPSV) commissioned a study to analyse the information sources used by foreigners from Ukraine, India, Mongolia, the Philippines, Italy, and Spain during their arrival and stay in the Czech Republic. The research was conducted between April and October 2024 by AUGUR Consulting as part of the EURES+3Z Up! project, co-funded by the European Social Fund and the Czech state budget.
Motivations for choosing the Czech Republic
The study revealed that the Czech Republic is viewed as a safe and democratic country with a high standard of living, a developed social security system, healthcare, and education. Ukrainians particularly appreciated the linguistic and cultural proximity, as well as higher wages. Other nationalities preferred the opportunity to work in the European Union, specific job offers, safety, and the ability to bring their families. While most respondents expressed an interest in staying in the Czech Republic in the long-term, Mongolians and Indians tended to prefer shorter stays, ranging from 1 to 5 years.
Information sources
The research found that respondents from EU countries and English-speaking nations, such as Italians, Spaniards, Indians, and Filipinos, primarily relied on digital sources for information, including platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. In contrast, Ukrainians and Mongolians leaned more on their own communities and personal contacts. Mongolians faced greater language barriers, which limited their access to diverse information sources. Social media was particularly popular among Indians, Italians, and Filipinos, while Mongolians often depended on information provided by acquaintances.
Before arriving in the Czech Republic, Ukrainians primarily gathered information from acquaintances, employment agencies, and employers. Other nationalities also used educational videos on YouTube, which provided practical insights. Filipinos, Indians, and Ukrainians emphasised the crucial role played by Czech embassies in providing reliable information.
During their stay foreigners found official websites, such as mvcr.cz and mpsv.cz, to be unclear and poorly interconnected, which made them less effective for obtaining practical information. Instead, social media was a preferred source for general information and communication. Popular platforms included Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram, with the latter being frequently used by Ukrainians. LinkedIn was more commonly utilised by respondents from India, the Philippines, Spain, and Italy.
Language barriers emerged as a significant issue, particularly due to limited knowledge of the Czech language. This problem was especially evident in healthcare, public administration offices, and when searching for housing. Filipinos, Italians, and Spaniards reported experiencing these challenges most acutely.
Recommendations for optimising communication
The report recommended centralising information in a single location, such as a website or application with a .gov domain, available in English. This platform should include links to resources, forms, guides, and warnings about risks. It also suggested actively utilising social media to disseminate information and optimising search capabilities based on topics and keywords. Additionally, it emphasised the importance of improving English language skills among public administration staff who interact with foreigners.
The full analytical report and a summary, both in Czech, can be found attached below.
- Authors
- AUGUR Consulting
- Geographic area
- Czech Republic
- Contributor type
- Local governmental actor
- Original source
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