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Young Generation as Change Agents (YGCA)

The "YGCA" project aims to establish a circular legal migration scheme with Morocco, with a mobility phase in which young Moroccan graduates study a one-year Master's degree in Spain. This will in turn allow for insertion into the labour market and the implementation of business and entrepreneurship projects upon their return to Morocco.

"YGCA" is an initiative of great importance for the European Union because it pursues the creation of collaborative networks with Morocco, improves cooperation between Europe and Africa, and provides learning and entrepreneurship opportunities for participants. It provides adequate facilitation of a form of legal migration in the face of continued irregular migration across Europe, while strengthening relations between Spain and Morocco.

The project is coordinated by SEPIE (which is responsible for the mobility phase in Spain), in collaboration with the Directorate General of Migration of the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, the UN International Office for Migration, 21 Spanish universities and three Moroccan Ministries (Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research; Ministry delegated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; the Ministry of Labour and Professional Insertion).

Project Goal

The aim of the project is to facilitate a legal circular migration scheme between Spain and Morocco for Moroccan university students. These students acquire knowledge through the Master's degrees studied in the different Spanish universities. After their studies and the presentation of their Master's theses, the students return to Morocco and are reintegrated into the labour market. Those with the highest-graded theses are awarded extraordinary funding for the implementation of an entrepreneurship project in Morocco, which is expected to contribute to the revitalisation of the area in which it is developed.

This European project is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030), a global action plan that will guide the decisions of governments and society over the next 15 years. A key purpose of the plan, among others, is to ensure sustainable social and economic progress worldwide, which is essential for sustainable development, in addition to guaranteeing human rights for all people and achieving gender equity.

How it works

The YGCA project is divided into 3 main phases:

1. The pre-departure phase in Morocco with identification of key socio-economic sectors, a call for young Moroccan graduates in these sectors, selection of candidates and the provision of preparation and support tasks (e.g. language courses and the securing of permits and visas for studies in Spain);

2. The mobility phase, with up to 98 young Moroccan graduates following a one-year Master's degree in Spain. They receive financing for their studies, associated costs in the sectoral areas of interest, and preparation of their final degree project, which is to be implemented as an entrepreneurship initiative in Morocco upon completion of the degree.
In addition, entrepreneurship and language courses are financed through the universities themselves or the Cervantes Institute.

3. The reintegration phase for the students in Morocco, for their insertion into the labour market. This includes a prize scheme to facilitate implementation of the best projects, including their launch and development.


The Master's degree has now been completed by 98 Moroccan graduate students, related to 20 different strategic sectors in Morocco. The specific positive results are seen through their contribution to the improvement of their country of origin, which is achieved through their integration into the labour market, and the launch of their business projects which create increased wealth and employment opportunities within Morocco.


A very detailed evaluation has been carried out by ICEX-CECO, of the students' projects for the entrepreneurship awards. This evaluation has taken into account various aspects: strategic, technical, managerial, legal, operational, economic and implementation. For each aspect, a series of elements were measured and graded out of a total of 100 points, in order to finally reward the best initiatives.

In addition, during the mobility phase, satisfaction surveys were carried out with all the participants, and the results used to shape the overall ongoing evaluation of the project.

Who benefits

Moroccan postgraduate students, and those involved in the successful business initiatives they set up upon their return. In addition, Moroccan society as a whole will benefit through the increased wealth and employment opportunities created by these initiatives.

Funding and resources

The project has a budget of EUR 2 625 378.83. 95% of its funding is provided by the European Union; most of which is earmarked for funding the mobility phase in Spain and the development of business and entrepreneurship projects in the reintegration phase in Morocco.

About this good practice


Posted by
Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator
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