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Through Stories (verhalenderwijs NL) (identified via a study undertaken by the Committee of the Regions)

Verhalenderwijs (Through Stories) is a multicultural storytelling project organised by senior citizens. It started in 1999, the UN year for seniors. In that year, twelve seniors with very different cultural backgrounds were specificallly trained for storytelling. The stories they tell are of their own making, lifestories as well as folktales from their culture. Their goal is to improve the understanding between young and old on the one hand, and between different cultures on the other hand. The storytellers from Through Stories fullfill an active role in society. They make use of their life experience and wisdom as elderly and pass on their cultural heritage. The audience learns about people and stories from different cultures and different ages. The storytellers touch upon matters such as safety, integration, and norms and values. They tell their stories in care institutions, librabies, community centres, schools and on festivals.

Project Goal

Issue: lack of understanding between elderly and the young, as well as between different cultures, which is expressed in serious issues revolving around integration, safety and behavior. The goal is to teach younger generations about different cultures, norms and values and simple things such as respect for the elderly. It is an educational project disguised as storytelling.

How it works

Elderly from different cultural backgrounds are trained specifically for storytelling and tell their stories at all types of venues and events. Stories are from real life or they are folk tales for instance.


The project has been ongoing since 1999.
• Through Stories knows over 20 enthousiastic storytellers from Dutch, Cape Verdean, Turkish, Antillean, and Surinamese descent.
• The storytellers have told their stories on hundreds of places to thousands of listeners.
• The reactions are always positive.
• They are now also being booked through institutions outsife of Rotterdam.
• Possibly the project will also be organised in other provinces in the Netherlands.



The project is funded by a number of organisations, who naturally evaluate the project frequently.
• Sluyterman Van Loo Fonds
• Stichting Van Leeuwen De Lignac
• Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
• Sichting Bevordering Volkskracht
• Stichting Nationaal Fonds Ouderenhulp
• Rotterdamse Kunststichting

Who benefits

The project has educational and entertainment value. It benefits the elderly and the young specifically, and at the moment mostly inhabitants of the city of Rotterdam. Importantly, it benefits a an audience which knows a great diversity in cultural background.

Funding and resources

• Sluyterman Van Loo Fonds
• Stichting Van Leeuwen De Lignac
• Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
• Sichting Bevordering Volkskracht
• Stichting Nationaal Fonds Ouderenhulp
• Rotterdamse Kunststichting
These are all foundations and such.

About this good practice


Posted by
Krista Schram

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