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Programmes of intercultural training of civil servants dealing with third country nationals

The training programmes aimed at including the value of interculturalism and emphasizing on the capacity building at all levels of public administration (national, regional and local). They addressed public servants employed at all levels of government who deal with T.C.Ns or handle issues related to them, in order to help them design and implement comprehensive integration policies.

Project Goal

The objectives of the project included the provision of sufficient theoretical and practical education in the field of intercultural communication, the conjunction of theory and practice, the acquisition of specialized knowledge and the learning of new methods, with a view to providing quality services to migrants and respecting their fundamental rights. The aim was to improve the existing capacities of trainees and provide them with the necessary communicative skills and professional knowledge for the proper provision of services.

How it works

The project included seminars with the following educational units: Ι. Brief presentation of the basic fundamental principles related to the notion of interculturalism: cultural identity, cultural diversity, intercultural ability/skills, intercultural communication etc., ΙΙ. Brief presentation of international and national institutions and mechanisms to protect fundamental human rights, ΙΙΙ. Development of modern techniques to improve verbal and non-verbal communication: tools and practical advice which will allow participants to put into practice basic principles of intercultural communication.


The project was implemented having achieved its physical objectives as they have beem set.


The project was evaluated by an external evaluator according to the standard evaluation procedure under EIF (art. 48 (2) (b) of Decision 2007/435/EC).

Who benefits

Civil servants dealing with third country nationals and migrants.

Funding and resources

European Fund for the Integration of third country nationals. Budget:168.822,16 €, of which 75% is Community funding and 25% is national funding.

About this good practice


Posted by
Georgia Alexopoulou

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