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MyMind - Accessible Centre for Mental Wellbeing for all, including minorities

MyMind Centre for Mental Wellbeing is a not-for-profit provider of accessible mental health care. Centres in Dublin (North and South), Cork and Limerick provide multilingual online or offline counselling and psychotherapy services which are accessible to the migrant community. Fees are based upon employment status, offering the unemployed or students affordable services. Revenue generated from full fee clients is reinvested, enabling the Centre to provide services to all.

Project Goal

17% of the Irish population consists of people of migrant background and they may experience language and communication barriers in accessing mental health services, given that there aren’t many options available to help them and their families. Considering that most resources are allocated to more extreme cases of mental illness, people in the early stages of mild to moderate mental health difficulties are struggling to access professional support. Such difficulties can escalate into something more severe, further overwhelming the public mental health system.

MyMind provides services for clients who are looking for quick access to counselling and psychotherapy, preventing crisis situations from emerging. Its mission is to put mental health services and support within everyone’s reach, including migrant populations.

How it works

More than 80 mental health professionals of various national and ethnic backgrounds offer their services online, face to face and in the workplace and in over 10 different languages, facilitating the access of minorities to health care.
MyMind's team allows clients to engage proactively with their mental health, empowering them to overcome difficulties such as stress, anxiety and depression. Their work emphasises the power of positive psychology in the reduction of stigmas and misperceptions that surround mental health.

Given that fees are based on employment status, the revenue generated from full fee clients is reinvested, enabling the Centre to provide services to all. This self-sustainable model of social enterprises complements national mental health services.


Since its foundation, the demand for its services has annually grown by 30%, on average. In 2015, its multicultural team conducted 13,998 face to face sessions with 1,874 clients across the 4 centres, the online team responded to more than 7,000 queries and 343 individuals participated in the 15 workplace sessions.

The social enterprise has grown from serving 300 clients in its founding in 2006 to having a direct impact on over 26,000 people and their respective families at the end of 2015. See the Activity Report


The internal evaluations highlights the personnel growth and the increase in the number of new and returning clients. The rise of referrals and share resources from Ireland's public health services body HSE, is also considered positive, as the Centre has managed to gained the trust of a conservative sector that is generally not open to innovation. It now collaborates with partners such as universities, NGOs and public sector bodies to promote better access to health services for minorities and people with low income.

The Centre has received several awards from different stakeholders including pharmaceutical company GSK Ireland and Internet giant Google. The project has also been awarded by the Captain Cathal Ryan Scholarship in 2010 and the Arthur Guinness Fund for social enterprise in 2012.

Who benefits

People who otherwise would be unable to avail of mental health support due to financial constraints, language barriers or long public waiting lists, including children, students, the migrant community and low income families, have since 2006 benefited from counseling and therapeutic sessions offered by MyMind. This has a positive impact not only on individuals who access the support directly, but also on communities, families and colleagues around them

Funding and resources

The Centre for Mental Wellbeing has raised over € 2 million since 2006, including € 80,000 in 2008 and € 200,000 in 2013 from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.

In addition, MyMind generates revenue through service provision, taking in 77% of its expenses. With a practice annual  budget of circa € 500,000, the Centre plans on being self-sustainable by 2017.

About this good practice


Posted by
Teresa Buczkowska
Country Coordinator

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