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MOVE - Future in Sight

The project is aimed at young people and young adults, who according to the Social Law § 18 SGB II are to be supported and assisted after one year or longer of unemployment in order to compensate social injustice and to overcome individual resentment. The main focus is on migrants with Turkish and Arabic background. The project target is to prepare and accompany young migrants for employment and a professional future and is also concentrating on sustainable integration.

Project Goal

The CV of the most participating migrants are scattered with breaks of school or apprenticeship. Since they often quitted long time ago, the motivation for further education is quite low.

The lack of higher education or diploma causes the participants to have a very unrealistic point of view concerning their knowledge and abilities. The broad spectrum about the existence of various professions and the ways to obtain them remain mainly on the surface. Therefore, the project concentrates on creating and spreading the know-how on these themes. The participants usually have no personal or professional network at their disposal, which they can create while being involved in the project. The more knowledge they obtain about companies the more perspectives and improvement are opened for them.

How it works

The first screening contains the background history and the paperwork from Jobcenter. Especially  personal, family, school and professional life are to be discussed. Their abilities and self-initiative are to be strengthened; changes, goals and possibilities to be debated; close cooperation between coach, case manager and participant to be granted. Young migrants are in most cases easier to reach via their families. Parents are to be invited to come over or case managers visit them at their homes. Also parents' support is important as they initiate their kids to complete the course to reach the goal.


  • We won 765 young people for the action throughout the period from april 2005 to march 2010 by free acquisition and allocation of the Job Centers. With sustainability 301 adolescents are taught in secondary measures, academic training, external training, collaborative training, occupational training, in work and in other support programs.
  • We hold still the contact with many of these young people. They always come back to visit the staff and organise some events. They refer young people from their circle of friends, from the neighborhood or from the acquaintance of the family circle. The commitment to the project continues, because many participants feel accepted in our project. Even though they have left the project, the trust to our stuff does not tear.



Every three months a feedback session is held with the participants. For this purpose a project-evaluation form was developed. The forms will be evaluated and assessed according to the corresponding case managers from the JobCentres. With the funding agencies, the success of the action is discused every six months by reference of this evaluation. The concept will be modified accordingly this evaluation. One focus of the evaluation questionnaire is the self-assessment of the participant. Following this self-assessment, we ask some project specific questions such as: "Is the applied methodology right for you?" Or "What school subjects do you think are missing from the agenda."

Who benefits

  • Young adults between 16-25 years of age
  • Long-term-unemployment according § 18 SGBII
  • Equal Chance according § 13 SGB VIII
  • District Neukölln
  • Especially Turkish and Arabic Migrants

The target group consists of Migrants which are very difficult to reach by Youth Offices or the Jobcenters.

Funding and resources

Financed by:

  • District Office Neukölln
  • Jobcenter Neukölln
  • The Senate for Integration, Work and Social
  • European Social Fond

Employment: 1 Socialworker, 1 administration personnal

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