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METIKOS- Informal Language Learning for Immigrants

The project METIKOS aims to promote the social inclusion of immigrants in the societies of their host countries through the development of their skills in the host country’s language. This is being done through the adaptation of existing informal language learning methodologies to the specific needs of the immigrants. This solution was promoted given the reluctance and the unavailability of many immigrants to attend the formal and non formal language courses that are offered to them. The methodologies that are adapted are three: language cafe, Tandem, cyber cafe. For more information:

Project Goal

Many researches have shown that little or no ability to communicate in the language of the host country is the biggest barrier to integration and employment for the immigrants. However the level of enrolment of adult immigrants to formal and non formal language classes is very low and also there are high drop out rates. This lack of motivation seems to be a consequence of the fact that these courses are not always adapted to the diverse learners’ needs and demands, they are not flexible and also there are limited opportunities to socialize with the native population. Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop and implement a methodology of informal language learning for immigrants by adapting existing informal language learning methodologies (language cafe, TANDEM, cyber language cafe) to the specific needs of the immigrants. The project is benefiting at least 150 immigrants in the countries it is implemented.

How it works

METIKOS project includes the following actions: - Development of a methodology for the transfer to the immigrants of 3 informal language learning methodologies (language café, TANDEM and Cyber Café) - Organisation of language cafe for immigrants, TANDEM sessions and cyber cafe sessions for adults immigrants in 6 countries - Development of a cyber cafe platform to facilitate the informal discussions online - Development of a network that will include immigrants, NGOs, organisers of the sessions, cafes etc. in order to sustain the results of the project beyond the project period


- Methodology for informal language learning for immigrants - Online Cyber Café - Organisation of informal learning sessions for 150 immigrants in 6 countries - Regional Stakeholders Network for the Informal Language Learning courses for immigrants - Language Café for immigrants established in 6 different countries


The evaluation is based both on qualitative and quantitative criteria. The project is evaluated against the quantitative criteria it has sent (number of stakeholders involved) but also on the basis of qualitative criteria (opinion of the beneficiaries). The evaluation was made on the basis of video interviews of the participants that have accepted to be recorded and on the basis of evaluation questionnaires. The project is evaluated also against the qualitative criteria set by the European Commission for Lifelong Learning projects. The impact of the project is also an important issue to highlight in the evaluation and therefore, case studies and impact assessments are being prepared.

Who benefits

The main target group are adult immigrants that are developing their language skills in the language of their host country through informal training sessions. In this category however are included also natives that are able to learn a new language (through the Tandem sessions) and develop their knowledge in the culture of the immigrants. The second category of the beneficiaries are the organizers of the sessions which includes facilitators and spaces where the informal training sessions are taking place (community centres, coffee shops, libraries etc.). The project is benefiting at least 150 adult immigrants.

Funding and resources

The project has received co-financing by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (Grundtvig). The total costs of the project are 373.383 euro. 75% of them are financed by the European Commission and 25% by the partner organisations. The project has used managers, teachers, researchers, technicians and administrative personnel.

About this good practice


Posted by
Panos Hatziprokopiou

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