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AMPLIARTE – Culture and Social Intervention

AMPLIARTE – Culture and Social Intervention project was oriented toward attitudes transformation and promotion of intercultural relationship between young people from different origins. This project was mainly addressed to underprivileged groups. It was jointly developed by Oeiras City Council and CDA (Actors Company) in two neighbourhoods: Outurela-Portela and Navegadores.

Project Goal

The programme promoted artistic and creative potential of young people, respecting their cultural references, channelling their expression possibilities and facilitating their integration in Portuguese society. The project was also aimed at improving self esteem and competences of young people in social exclusion risks.

How it works

At Outurela-Portela neighbourhood, the project gave continuity to CDA work in social intervention through art education. During 2006 participants prepared the show “Com os Pés no Chao –una questao de atitude”. In 2007 they worked on a new show (“Fiat Lux-Um acto de criaçao”), based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At Navegadores neighbourhood, CDA worked for first time, identifying and fostering artistic competences. Training activities were organised over 20 weeks, including dance, video, music and performance activities.


When this experience starts (2006), 30% of participants dropped out of school. After AMPLIARTE, all of them had taken up again their studies. The project was oriented to reinforce self esteem and competences of young people, facilitating their social inclusion.

Considering this goal, it is worth pointing out that a group of participants continued with artistic activities after AMPLIARTE workshops: at the Theatre Conservatory (2), in a play with a professional troupe (1), writing rap songs (1) and in a voluntary mission for theatre workshops in Mozambique (1).


The project’s results were evaluated positively, considering the difficulties to capture the attention of beneficiaries toward new experiences (young people with scholar absenteeism problems). Participants improved their artistic competences after the experience in AMPLIARTE workshops, which facilitate their social integration.

Who benefits

The project was oriented to young people between 12 to 25 years old. A total of 32 persons from Angola, Cape Verde and Portugal participated in workshops at Outurela-Portela and Navegadores neighbourhoods.

Funding and resources

The total amount for this project was 25.000 €. It was fully financed by Oeiras City Council

About this good practice


Posted by
Pamela Urrutia

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