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Methodology – What can we expect from the new European Parliament on migrant integration?

How did we gather our data?

For its Analysis, EWSI examined the programmes/manifestos of national political parties for the 2019 European Parliament elections. The analysis looked only at the official programmes of political parties. This means that statements made to journalists or blog posts, among other types of documents or publications related to the elections, are not part of the analysis.

The EWSI Editorial Team combed through the European Parliament election programmes of all national political parties that won at least 1 MEP seat. Whenever the parties talked about migrant or refugee integration in their programmes, the Editorial Team classified the relevant statements as belonging to one or more of the thematic categories below. By tallying the number of parties that made statements in each thematic category, EWSI can analyse which topics were most popular among the parties.

Furthermore, by calculating how many MEPs each national political party will have in the 2019-2024 European Parliament, the analysis indicates how the new Parliament might act on integration-related matters over the next five years.

This analysis uses the pre-Brexit allocation of MEPs. Thus, there are a total of 751 MEPs, including the 73 MEPs from the United Kingdom. Following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU, a different allocation of MEP seats will take effect, with some EU countries thereafter gaining MEPs. These additional MEPs or political parties are not included here.

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