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European Website on Integration
20 October 2018

New Greek strategy for integration targets 10,000 refugees in one year


The Greek Secretary General on Immigration Policy, Miltiadis Klapas, has stated that the Ministry of Migration Policy aims to reach 10,000 refugees in one year through its strategy for integration. Furthermore, the Ministry supports the Ministry of Education’s policy to integrate refugee children into public education.

In an article in the newspaper Avgi, Klapas writes that access to education is a basic human right and must be ensured, and that education is one of the strongest guarantees for the integration of refugees into society. The next step for the government is the educational inclusion, for the first time, of children aged 15-18 and adults. These groups are not currently required to complete compulsory education.

According to Klapas, the Ministry of Migration Policy has designed, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, a comprehensive language programme for asylum seekers, immigrants, and refugees. However, the implementation of this programme has been significantly delayed due to bureaucratic difficulties.

Klapas also writes that the Ministry of Migration Policy is proceeding with the national mechanism for the integration of migrants and refugees. The Ministry has prepared a six-month strategy for recognised refugees, which will provide language courses and vocational training. The Ministry’s target is to reach 10,000 recognised refugee beneficiaries in one year.

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Marina Nikolova

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