I. The context of immigration in Andalucía: Statistics
II. Legal framework and competencies
III. Coordination and spaces
IV. Guiding principles
V. General objectives
VI. Transversal axis
VII. Response strategy: Managing cultural diversity
VIII. Intervention methodology: Areas of intervention
1. Socio-educational
2. Socio-labour
3. Social heath care
4. Social inclusion and welfare
5. Equipment, housing and accommodation
6. Culture, recreation and participation
7. Legal attention
8. Training
9. Research
10. Social sensibilisation
11. Cooperation and development
IX. Monitoring and evaluation model
XI. ANNEX II: Interdepartmental commission of migration policies
XII. ANNEX III: Technical and writing committee
- Authors
- Junta de Andalucía
- Geographic area
- Spain
- Contributor type
- Regional governmental actor
- Original source
- Posted by