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Czech Republic:  Summer school on migration studies 2024

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The Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE), a research institute affiliated with the department of social geography and regional development at the faculty of science at Prague's Charles University - with cooperation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) -  is inviting students and young professionals to its 2024 summer school on migration studies. This year's event will focus on the integration of refugees.

Image removed.

Text and image source: Geomigrace, Prague, 2024

Scholars and practitioners (from international and non-governmental organisations) from various countries will take part, delivering lectures and/or leading seminars, workshops, and panel discussions on issues closely related to migration. These will be examined from different political, economic, sociocultural, demographic, development, and geographical perspectives. In addition to these academic sections, other accompanying (cultural) events will take place. 

The final list of speakers and attendees and a draft programme will be published in the spring. The deadline for registration is 30 April, and confirmed attendees will be required to pay a tuition fee of 330 EUR.

Find further information here

Practical information

Czechia – Prague, Faculty of Science, Charles University
Czech Republic
Jan Schroth - The Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE)
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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