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European Web Site on Integration - March 2021

Upcoming events

M8 Alliance webinar series on migrant and refugee health

The M8 Alliance, an international network of 30 academic health centres created under the World Health Summit, organises a series of webinars on migrant and refugee health. Three webinars will bring together experts from the alliance in order to develop innovative and collaborative answers and promote science-based policy advice. The events explore the following topics: Ensuring the COVI…

M8 Alliance webinar: Digital solutions for migrant and refugee health

The M8 Alliance, an international network of 30 academic health centres created under the World Health Summit, organises a series of webinars on migrant and refugee health. The webinars bring together experts from the alliance in order to develop innovative and collaborative answers and promote science-based policy advice. The second event in the series is dedicated to Digital solutions for…

M8 Alliance webinar: Strengthening healthcare systems in Europe while improving migrant health

The M8 Alliance, an international network of 30 academic health centres created under the World Health Summit, organises a series of webinars on migrant and refugee health. The webinars bring together experts from the alliance in order to develop innovative and collaborative answers and promote science-based policy advice. The third event in the series is dedicated to Strengthening healthcar…

Wer ist das Volk? Einschlüsse und Ausschlüsse

"Wer ist das Volk?" ist eine Grundfrage in einer Demokratie. Damit wird umgrenzt, wer an Wahlen und Abstimmungen teilhaben darf und wer davon ausgeschlossen ist. Die österreichische Wohnbevölkerung ist auf etwa 8,9 Mio. angewachsen, während gleichzeitig die Zahl der Stimmberechtigten bei 6,4 Mio. leicht rückläufig ist. In Wien sind etwa 30% der Wohnbevö…

Sweden: Integration after COVID-19

This webinar, organised by Immigrant Index (Invandrarindex), will involve researchers and other experts for presentations and discussions on the Swedish Government's action programme for integration. The programme will be structured around the following topics: Labour market; Accommodation; Civil Society / Democracy; Healthcare. Questions to be discussed include: How are Sweden and Eu…


Portugal: Athletes of migrant origin win gold medals in the European Athletics Championships

This year's European Athletics Indoor Championships, held in March in Torun, Poland, saw several athletes of migrant origin win gold medals for Portugal. Patrícia Mamona won gold in the women’s triple jump, with a winning jump of 14.53 metres. The athlete, whose family is of Angolan origin, studies biomedical engineering in Portugal. Pedro Pichardo, an athlete of Cuban origin a…

Belgium: Deux nouvelles écoles ouvrent leurs portes aux jeunes primo-arrivants

Deux écoles wallonnes vont bientôt rejoindre le DASPA (Dispositif d'Accueil et de Scolarisation des élèves Primo-Arrivants et Assimilés). Ce dispositif, lancé par Fedasil Charleroi et Caritas, a pour objectif de scolariser de jeunes primo-arrivants (MENA, réfugié.e.s ou en attente de régularisation) et de leur apprendre le Fr…

Poland: Vietnamese community provides essential COVID-19 support

The Vietnamese community in Poland has been actively supporting Polish medics in efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic. It began by serving hot meals and drinks to hospitals, as part of the #VNjeste[myzWami (We are with you) social action, in which Vietnamese restaurant and bar owners organised themselves to form the Support Group for Medics, Doctors and Victims of the COVID-19 virus. Other indivi…

Denmark: COVID-19 and ethnic minorities - what works?

One year after the COVID-19 pandemic reached Denmark, a webinar gathered experiences and recommendations regarding residential areas with many ethnic minorities, arranged by KL - Local Government Denmark and BL - Danish Social Housing. A large proportion of residents in Denmark from an ethnic minority background live in social housing projects, all over the country. This group has faced specific …

Spain: New decree on recognition procedure for foreign degrees

The Ministry of Universities in Spain is preparing a decree on the homologation procedure (for regulated professions) and recognition of foreign degrees. This will be approved by the Council of Ministers, and will serve to shorten the recognition process to a maximum of six months. The 15 000 cases currently on the waiting list - including 9 000 from 2019 - will still be governed by the 2014 decr…

Integration practices recently added

Bydelsmødre (Neighbourhood Mothers)

The Neighbourhood Mothers are primarily women with an ethnic minority background, who carry out voluntary work in their local area by supporting isolated and vulnerable women. The Neighbourhood Mothers listen, convey important information, and build bridges between the woman and the area in which she lives, which can help her to better integrate. This help gives the women strength, so they can he…

Essentials (Funtsezkoak) Campaign

The Department of Migration Policies and Justice in Spain has created the Navarra de Colores - Nafarroa Koloretan brand, as a symbolic umbrella for all the actions of the Government that value intercultural coexistence, social diversity and the value of migration. Through this it seeks to promote knowledge of the different cultures that coexist in Navarre, both indigenous and those that …

RefugeeAction III: Mainstreaming inclusion of migrants in society through their integration into the labour market

The project aims to contribute to a more open and just society in which refugees would feel welcome and accepted as equal in Slovenia, through advocacy and focus on improving access to the labour-market.    

Geia Xara - Greek lessons and mediation services to support children's integration

The Geia Xara project offered Greek language classes and mediation services in schools in Cyprus. The project sought to equip children aged 6 - 12 years old, as well as unaccompanied minors, with basic language skills and an understanding of the particularities of their host community. To succeed in reaching its goal, the project team (comprising the CARDET Educational Centre, Frederick Universit…

Latest documents

Evaluation: Successful courses on equality

Gender and equality can be sensitive issues to work with, but - as demonstrated by recent progress in Denmark - it’s possible to effect positive change. This recently-published evaluation report of the country's Right to Equality campaign shows good results and experience. During the campaign, DRC Integration and Als Research completed 133 courses on equality and rights for refugees and oth…

Situation of Ukrainian migrant women in Poland at the time of COVID-19

This report presents the results of a study on the main difficulties faced by Ukrainian migrant women in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provides recommendations on how best to deal with these difficulties. The following is a summary of the difficulties outlined in the report. The main problem for these women is their precarious situation in the labour market. Although Poland has the low…

The combined effects of changes to the Aliens Act and its application on the status of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection

This study analyses the combined effects on asylum seekers of the changes made to the Finnish Aliens Act and the process of its application between 29 May 2015 – 6 June 2019. According to the study, the focus has been on streamlining the asylum procedure rather than on the fundamental, human rights of applicants. There has been an increase in the number of situations wherein an individ…

France: Inégalités ethno-raciales et coronavirus

Alors que la pandémie qui frappe désormais le monde entier connaissait une progression spectaculaire, de nombreux commentateurs politiques et médiatiques ont souligné que la maladie de COVID-19 serait le "grand égalisateur", comme l’a affirmé le gouverneur de l’État de New York, le 31 mars 2020. Le caractère universel de la maladi…

Synthesis report: Innovative approaches to integration and inclusion of migrants

The European Commission (EC) published a synthesis report from its Mutual Learning Conference in November 2020, 'Innovative approaches to integration and inclusion of migrants'. The conference brought together 116 participants including Member State representatives and representatives from social and economic partners, academics, civil society and the EC. Participants exchanged innovative pr…