The European Commission (EC) published a synthesis report from its Mutual Learning Conference in November 2020, 'Innovative approaches to integration and inclusion of migrants'.
The conference brought together 116 participants including Member State representatives and representatives from social and economic partners, academics, civil society and the EC. Participants exchanged innovative practices on the labour market and social inclusion of migrants, including those facing specific obstacles such as women or the low-skilled. They also discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market integration and social inclusion of migrants in the European Union, and focused on the following relevant policy areas:
- skills assessment, recognition and development;
- fast-tracking policies;
- innovative approaches.
During the opening of the conference Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, noted that integration and inclusion initiatives are the EU’s best chance of ensuring migrants are no longer considered migrants; that 'they live, not next to us, but with us and among us'.
Find the synthesis report attached below, or access it - along with further information on the conference - online here.
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