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European Website on Integration

European Web Site on Integration - February 2021

EU highlights

  • The European Commission published the 'Union Actions grants under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF): Annual work programmes for Union Actions 2019' booklet, presenting a compilation of 39 ongoing transnational and innovative projects;
  • At the end of January, the European Migration Network (EMN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched the fifth publication in their series on the impact of COVID-19. This latest edition explores the impact of the pandemic on voluntary and forced return procedures and policy responses;
  • EWSI continues to document COVID-19’s impact on migrant communities across Europe, here.

Upcoming events

Croatia: Online conference "New Neighbours - Croatian Media portrayals of integration in European context""

Is Croatian society ready to accept new neighbours and then together build integration as a two-way - and sometimes quite complex - process? HRT journalist Daniela Draštata and Dutch colleague Frans Jennekens started exploring answers to such questions through a documentary series within the EU’s "New Neighbours" media project. At the end of the previous and the beginning of the new …

Luxembourg: Transition days

Le Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg et l’ASTI, avec la participation du CNE -Conseil National pour Étrangers  invitent à un forum virtuel « Les tiers-lieux au Luxembourg : faire ensemble pour mieux vivre ensemble ». Le but est de discuter de la nécessité d’enrichir la vie en communauté par l…

France: L'évolution des flux migratoires depuis 50 ans en France et en Europe - Webinaire

A l'occasion de ses 50 ans, l'association France terre d’asile va organiser tout au long de l'année 2021 une série de webinaires sur l'asile et les migrations. La conférence inaugurale de ce cycle aura lieu le 4 mars 2021. Quelles ont été et quelles sont les origines et les destinations des flux migratoires vers la France depuis 1971 ? D’o&…

France: Les représentations des minorités ethnoraciales dans l’audiovisuel français

Ces journées d'étude portent sur l’évolution des modes de représentation de la diversité ethnoraciale française dans un paysage médiatique refaçonné par la convergence numérique. Elles se dérouleront en ligne les 25 et 26 février 2021. Elle sont ouvertes à toutes les démarches susceptibles d&rsq…


Netherlands: Anti-discrimination training for government employees

Employees of the Tax and Customs Administration and other executive government organisations must receive training on discrimination. This is what outgoing Prime Minister Rutte states in a letter sent to the Lower House soon after the fall of the governing coalition. Organisations such as the UWV, the Social Insurance Bank and the Education Executive Agency are also mentioned as target groups. 12…

France: Lancement de la plateforme contre les discriminations

Le Défenseur des droits, autorité administrative indépendante, a lancé le 12 février 2021,, son nouveau service de signalement et d’accompagnement des victimes ou témoins de discriminations. Le président de la République et la ministre délégué chargée de l’égalité e…

Slovakia: Census pre-defines Islam as option for religion for the first time

From 15 February - 31 March 2021 the population and housing Census for Slovakia is taking place. For the first time, among the possible options to select for their religion, participants may choose Islam.  The census will be conducted electronically, and under the "religion" item there will be 21 pre-defined religious communities in Slovakia to choose from: 18 registered and t…

Denmark: Stranger in your own country? Citizenship for children

A new report was launched by the Danish Institute for Human Rights entitled “Stranger in your own country? Access to citizenship for children and young people who are born and/or raised in Denmark”. The institute warns that Danish legislation could be in conflict with human rights conventions on this subject: the report's authors urge the government to stop discrimination between Nord…

Italy: How has the reception system for asylum seekers and refugees changed?

The system for the reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees has been at the heart of political debate in Italy in recent years, and as a result has been changed several times. The most recent change occurred in October 2020, when the II Conte cabinet approved a new decree on migration and security which modified some of the provisions introduced by the so-called 'Salvini …

Funding opportunities

Slovakia: Active Citizens Fund opens call for proposals in the area of civic participation

On 26 January 2021 the Active Citizens Fund in Slovakia opened a new (third) call for proposals. The fund supports Slovak non-governmental organisations running projects which focus on the involvement of citizens in decision and policy making, with the objectives of good governance, the protection of human rights and the integration of disadvantaged groups, to name but a few. The main cross-…

Portugal: Funding call for intercultural mediators

Portugal's High Commission for Migration is now accepting funding applications for projects that organise intercultural mediation teams and municipal intervention in order to support the integration of migrant and Roma communities. Applications must be submitted in partnership with a municipality, with the local authority assuming the role of partnership coordinator. Eligible projects have to be …

Integration practices recently added

“GeLA” Gemeinsam Leben und Arbeiten im Landkreis Darmstadt- Dieburg

Mit dem Projekt “GeLA” verfolgen das Land Hessen, der Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg und der Frauenbildungsträger ZIBB - Frauen für Frauen e.V. das Ziel, geflüchtete und zugewanderte Frauen früh für den Arbeitsmarkt zu aktivieren. Neben dem Spracherwerb auf den Niveaustufen A und B mit Zertifikatserwerb nach dem europäischen Referenzrahmen werden parallel di…

Young Generation as Change Agents (YGCA)

The "YGCA" project aims to establish a circular legal migration scheme with Morocco, with a mobility phase in which young Moroccan graduates study a one-year Master's degree in Spain. This will in turn allow for insertion into the labour market and the implementation of business and entrepreneurship projects upon their return to Morocco. "YGCA" is an initiative of great importance for the Europea…

Luxembourg: Parlons Santé

Le projet Parlons Santé du Planning Familial, en collaboration avec l’asbl Multilearn, vise l’intégration, l’autonomisation et le bien-être des femmes, des hommes et des adolescent.e.s demandeur.e.s et bénéficiaires d'une protection internationale (DPI et BPI).

Take It: Talent and art with creativity and entrepreneurship

This project is shaped around the creation of a youth centre in each of the relevant areas - the 'Take It' place - coordinated by the project’s team. This place acts as the foundation of the entire project, allowing constant development of participants' skills through leisure activities, such as arts, culture, sports, communication and expression. The building of close working relationships …

Women in reclusion in Portugal

The Diocesan Secretariat for Migration and Tourism (Catholic Diocese of Porto), in partnership with the Association More Brazil (Porto), set up the Women in Reclusion in Portugal project which is built around the premise that prison can be an opportunity for transformation. It targets female inmates from different nationalities living without family in Portugal, who find themselves locke…

Latest documents

EU-level report on the status of refugee-led community organisations

The report examines the presence and impact of refugee-led community organisations from the perspective of advocacy targeting primarily the EU institutions.  The document outlines challenges and opportunities to the work of refugee organisations, including in terms of: the need for core funding; capacity building and strengthening communication; meaningful inclusion of refugee organisat…

Stranger in your own country? Access to citizenship in Denmark

The Danish Institute for Human Rights launched a report entitled “Stranger in your own country? Access to citizenship for children and young people who are born and/or raised in Denmark”. The institute warns that Danish legislation could be in conflict with human rights conventions on this subject: the report's authors urge the government to stop discrimination between …

France: La santé mentale des personnes migrantes LGBTI. Inégalités, discriminations, ressources

Cette recherche, réalisée par Grégory BELTRAN et soutenu par l’ODENORE (Observatoire des non-recours aux droits et services) propose d'aborder la question de la santé mentale des personnes migrantes LGBTI (Lesbiennes, gays, bis, trans, intersexes), et de sa prise en charge en France à travers une enquête qualitative et une approche socio-anthropologiq…

Czech Republic: Strategic goals for language preparation and equal opportunities in 2021-2022

This policy paper provides key stakeholders in education with guidelines for the implementation of the principles of equal opportunity for children and pupils with a migration background. It aims to develop their learning potential and multilingualism while making schools more open, fair and diverse. The guidelines are based on the experience of the META Association (which has built its status as…

Outcomes Report: Canada-EU Migration Platform on the Integration of Migrant Women

The EU and Canada organised a series of events as part of their Migration Platform dedicated to the integration challenges and opportunities faced by migrant women on both sides of the Atlantic.  This outcome report presents a detailed note on the topics covered during the Migration Platform events. The document also brings important and recommendations for future actions.  …