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17 March 2023

Portugal: New observatory on racism and xenophobia

Flag of Portugal

A new observatory on racism and xenophobia was opened on 17 March in Portugal. Its mission is to produce, collect, process and disseminate information and knowledge on racism, xenophobia and discrimination in the various areas and sectors covered by the National plan to combat racism and discrimination 2021-2025 – Portugal against Racism.

Speaking at the launch of the initiative, Minister Ana Catarina Mendes highlighted the fact that the opening of the observatory represents a positive step against discrimination in Portugal. She pointed out that migration is a huge challenge for Portuguese society, and that racism around the presence of migrants must be studied by bodies such as the observatory in order to be better prevented. Relatedly, Professor Teresa Pizarro Beleza observed that there is structural racism in Portugal, which is closely linked to the country's long colonial history (which lasted until the mid-1970s).

The observatory is coordinated by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in conjunction with partners from other universities and polytechnics, and falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Ana Catarina Mendes, Deputy Minister of Parliamentary Affairs.


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Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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