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29 July 2021

Portugal: National plan to combat racism and discrimination 2021 - 2025

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A resolution approving the National plan to combat racism and discrimination (PNCRD) 2021 - 2025 – Portugal Against Racism was announced on 28 July in Diário da República, the Portuguese Republic’s official gazette.

The resolution acknowledges that despite existing legal frameworks, there are still elements of racism and discrimination enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, which reflect the historical processes that gave rise to them - such as slavery and colonialism - and that perpetuate models of structural discrimination. The resolution also acknowledges the work of various civil society agencies on this important issue, and the contributions and recommendations of the Working Group for the Prevention and Combat of Racism and Discrimination (coordinated by ACM, the High Commission for Migration) and a related public consultation process.

This is the first national plan on racism and discrimination, and is the result of much inter-sectoral collaboration. It is organised into four main principles and ten specific lines of intervention, combining transversal and specific approaches.

The four main principles are the following:

  1. Deconstruction of stereotypes;
  2. Coordination, integrated governance and territorialisation;
  3. Integrated intervention in the fight against inequalities;
  4. Intersectionality.

The ten lines of intervention are as follows:

a) Governance, information and knowledge for a non-discriminatory society;
b) Education and culture;
c) Higher education;
d) Work and employment;
e) Housing;
f) Health and social action;
g) Justice, security and rights;
h) Participation and representation;
i) Sport;
j) Media and digital communications.

Further information can be found here.

National Plan (in Portuguese)
(5.69 MB - PDF)


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Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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