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15 October 2024

Latvia: Compulsory education for those displaced from Ukraine

Flag of Latvia

With the start of the new school year education in schools in Latvia remains voluntary for people displaced from Ukraine, although the Ministry of Education and Science has attempted steps towards making it mandatory.

In the 2 years since Russia first invaded Ukraine, the Latvian state has been facing difficulties in promoting the educational integration of those displaced by the ongoing war. Ukrainians have been able to choose from enrolling their children in Latvian schools, allowing their children to contine their education in Ukraine via online schooling, or adopting a combination of both. Due to the fact that many of those displaced from Ukraine do not know whether they will remain in Latvia in the long term or return home, many parents have chosen the option of allowing their children to continue their schooling online. This remote education option can present a barrier to children's integration, as it grants them limited opportunity to interact with local children (thereby increasing the risk of social isolation). The state is unable to provide concrete data on how many such children are currently residing in Latvia, because, many Ukrainians change their phone number or address after their initial registration with a municipality and therefore cannot be contacted with questions on their children's educational situation.

Earlier this summer the Ministry of Education and Science announced a plan to make education in Latvian schools mandatory for Ukrainian children by 1 September 2024, however limited communication around the decision led to confusion and ultimately the proposal was not approved in time for the start of the school year. NGOs working with Ukrainian civilians in Latvia proposed 1 January 2025 as an alternative start date for the requirement, giving Ukrainian parents plenty of time to enroll their children in local schools and to prepare adequately for schooling in Latvian. The Ministry of Education and Science has not yet announced further plans on this issue.


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Iveta Kažoka
Country Coordinator

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