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08 September 2023

Italy: New platform promotes inclusion in training and employment for some TCNs

Flag of Italy

The new SIILS (Information Service for Labor and Social Inclusion) platform, which supports such measures as training courses and job searches, was launched on 1 September in Italy.

The platform is designed for residents no longer eligible for Citizenship Income (a form of conditional guaranteed minimum income) but still eligible for Support for Training and Work (Sfl). Support is limited to participation in training courses (if available) for 12 months, and the income limit (ISEE) for eligibility is set at 6 000 euros.

Those not eligible for support via the platform include non-EU citizens with family or work permits and those waiting for employment, amounting to over 1 million potential applicants. In highlighting this exclusion several several civil society NGOs have underscored the fact that foreign women may be disproportionately affected, as family permits are mainly issued to women reuniting with their spouses in Italy. These NGOs -  the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI), Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana (ARCI), and several others - plan to file a complaint with the European Commission stating that the platform's regulations are not in keeping with EU Directive 2011/98 which ensures equal treatment for single work permit holders in access to vocational training and employment counseling services. They are also calling on the Italian government and parliament to amend the rule to allow legally resident foreigners access to SIILS.


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Ferruccio Pastore
Country Coordinator

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