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13 July 2022

Czech Republic: Majority of Czechs in favour of welcoming new arrivals from Ukraine

Flag Czech Republic EWSI

The Public Opinion Research Centre in the Czech Republic posed a set of questions to the Czech public around the issue of receiving refugees from Ukraine. It found that approximately two-thirds (68%) of Czech citizens are interested in the topic, and that three-quarters (75%) agree that refugees from Ukraine should be accepted in the country.

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The research also found that one tenth (10%) of citizens are in favour of offering permanent settlement to Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic, while another three-quarters (75%) favour only temporary admission followed by return to their country of origin. These results show that the Czech public has a more favourable attitude towards the reception of refugees from Ukraine than it has had previously towards the reception of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa (between 2015-2019, approximately two thirds of respondents to similar questions disagreed with the reception of refugees: see more in this earlier EWSI article). 

Greater agreement with the idea of accepting refugees from Ukraine is expressed by university graduates, respondents with a high living standard, those who identify with the political right, and those who are interested in the situation in Ukraine or the situation around refugees from Ukraine. Respondents without a high school diploma, those who rate their own household's standard of living as poor, and people who are not interested in politics at all were found to be more likely to oppose the admission of refugees from Ukraine. 

More detailed information can be found in Czech here.


Publication dates
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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