AMIF, the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, is calling for funding proposals for projects that facilitate the development and implementation of local integration strategies through multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Projects funded through this call will involve strategies that encompass different aspects of the integration process, focusing on improving socio-economic inclusion and a sense of belonging for migrants in local communities. In addition, proposals that include strengthening transnational cooperation between relevant stakeholders are encouraged.
Funding will be granted for such actions as:
- consultation activities for the design of local integration strategy;
- trainings, workshops and mutual learning activities;
- technical assistance and peer review from members of the partnership for setting up and implementing a local integration strategy;
- transfer of knowledge activities between members of the partnership;
- awareness raising activities and events;
- creation of tools or platforms to facilitate the dissemination of know-how and best practices.
If proposals include actions beyond those listed above, it should be clearly demonstrated how they would serve to achieve the objectives of this call.
The proposed consortium should include relevant key partners such as local and regional authorities, national public authorities, economic and social partners, employers, social economy actors, and civil society organisations, including migrant associations and local communities.
Proposals should devote specific attention to migrant women and children, especially those in potentially vulnerable situations, as well as to members of religious or ethnic minorities who could face discrimination or disproportionate obstacles to societal integration.
More information is available on the European Commission's website, where proposals should be submitted by 16 February 2021 (at 17:00 Brussels time).
Learn more here about other funding opportunities within this call.
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