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22 December 2023

Immigrant integration indicators: Annual statistical report 2023

Flag of Portugal


The Annual Statistical Report - Indicators of immigrant integration 2023, published by the Observatory of Migration, gathers data on 312 different indicators - pertaining to 2021 and 2022 - from 32 national and 16 international sources. Key findings include:


In 2022 Portugal saw its number of foreign citizen residents rise to an unprecedented 782 000 (+11.9% compared with 2021), representing 7.5% of the total resident population. Foreign citizens continue to contribute significantly to the birth rate in Portugal: in 2021 and 2022, women of foreign nationality accounted for 13.6% and 16.7% of the total number of births in the country.

Labour market

Portugal has the fifth-highest rate in the EU of labour market activity by foreigners: 76.9% in 2022. This rate is 18.7% higher than that of Portuguese citizens. However, in comparison with native citizens, foreigners in the country continue to be employed in higher concentration in sectors at the bottom of the 'labour hierarchy', such as construction, manufacturing, garment making, driving, assembly, and non-skilled positions.

Social security

Continuing its trend over the last decade, contributions by foreigners and their counterparts to the Portuguese social security system continued to show a positive balance of +968 million euros in 2021 and +1 604.2 million euros in 2022.

Immigrant integration indicators: Annual statistical report 2023
(5.66 MB - PDF)


Catarina Reis Oliveira
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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