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European Website on Integration
30 June 2013

The Factor of Religion in the Integration of Immigrants in the Host Country: The Case of Muslims in Europe

The study examines the issue of integration of Muslim immigrants in Germany , France and Greece. The aim is to investigate if and how religion affects the integration of Muslims in Europe through benchmarking of policies adopted by the three states and their effectiveness. Despite the significant differences in terms of historical relationship of these countries with Islam and the Muslims as well as differences on applied policies level, the common point is the low degree of integration of Muslim immigrants in all three cases. This situation is due to the fact that none of the three countries takes into account the specific characteristics of Muslim immigrants associated with their religious faith, in order to design and pursue actions specifically aimed at integrating the specific portion of the population. The recognition, acceptance and tolerance of diversity of Muslims can stimulate and facilitate their integration, while cushioning radicalization moods of young Muslim immigrants from the second and third generation.

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Fani Dimitrakopoulou
Geographic area
Contributor type
Academics and experts
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Posted by
Marina Nikolova

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