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European Website on Integration
14 January 2015

Czech republic: Further Steps in the Realization of the Updated Concept of the Integration of Foreigners – Living Together in 2015


The Czech government in this document outlines its plan for the implementation of the concept of integration in 2015. First of all, it notes that the total number of foreign residents has been slightly rising. The numbers of non-EU citizens has, however, been on the decrease since 2011. In the third quarter of 2014 the main target group of the Czech integration policy – legally residing third-country nationals – numbered 265  872  persons (of the total of 448  727 foreigners as of 30 September 2014). Immigrants from the so-called third countries most often are from Ukraine (104 272  persons), Vietnam (56 855), and Russia (34 438).

The government sees five major areas in which integration policy should be applied:

-    Knowledge of Czech language (through language education both for adults and children).

-    Economic and social self-sufficiency (through various programmes supporting streetwork, social and job advisory services, requalification courses, and monitoring of the situation of foreigners in particular localities, etc.).

-    Orientation of foreigners in the society and awareness-raising (through provision of pre-departure information, integration and adaptation courses as well as socio-cultural courses).

-    Relations between immigrants and majority society (through well-balanced medial policy, support of foreigners´ activities and cultural events, using the intercultural assistants for communication between foreigners and authorities etc.).

-    Integration on the local and regional level (through support of regional integration centres and funding opportunities for municipalities).

Download the document here…

(204.68 KB - PDF)


Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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