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Together is better

Inspired by the book by Rafik Shami 'How I took of my dad's fear of foreigners' translated from German to Luxembourg, the pedagogical animation organised by ikl ASTI aims to combat prejudices through a theater piece and workshops.

Project Goal

The objective is to reflect on prejudices with school pupils and valorize the presence of third country nationals.

Who benefits

Pupils aged 8 to 12

How it works

After the theater the pedagogical team starts a discussion with the pupils on prejudices and integration particularly on immigrants from Cap verde and the Balkans. The workshop is about the history and culture of these countries. A person from each of these countries is part of the team. A brochure and a CD rom allows the teacher to delve further into this issue in his regular course.


1 425 children participated in the project in 2012 in the following cities: Luxembourg, Mersch, Pétange, Tétange, Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette. The children originating from the cited countries felt particularly comfortabl.


The evaluation was prepared with the experts of the Ministry of Education. The teachers filled out an electronic evaluation form. After the first evaluations the project was adapted. The teachers appreciate the projet and the material they receive allows them to continue.

Funding and resources

EFI - European Fund for Integration for TCNs and OLAI - Luxembourgian Integration Office

About this good practice


Posted by
Serge Kollwelter
Country Coordinator

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