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It Could Be Me – It Could Be You

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The "It Could Be Me - It Could Be You" project in Greece raises awareness among the wider educational community (teachers, students, education officials, parents, local society bodies, etc.) of human rights and refugee issues through experiential activities, theatre and educational drama techniques. It was initiated by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr) and UNHCR in February 2015.

The project continues in the 2023 - 2024 school year with the aim of promoting refugee inclusion, respect for human rights, and diversity.

Project Goal

Since the beginning, the project has been addressed mainly to members of the educational community, such as teachers, students, and parents, as well as to local society bodies and organisations dealing with human rights.

​The project aims to:

  • raise awareness among teachers and students of human rights and refugee issues through educational workshops and seminars;
  • support schools and teachers who implement similar programmes with experiential teaching techniques and the use of theatre techniques, theatrical plays, and educational drama.

How it works

The project organises teacher training seminars, workshops for students, Student Festivals & Action Days, forum theatre performances with students, teachers, parents and other members of the local community, and supports local cooperation actions with refugees.

It is implemented in various cities of the country, in collaboration with local directorates, local government agencies, universities, human rights organisations (formal and informal), teachers' collectives, parents' organisations, artistic organisations, and other similar actors.

All activities are offered free of charge by specially trained, certified drama teachers and animators. The project has the approval of the Greek Institute of Educational Policy & the Greek Ministry of Education and is certified by IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association).


From 2015 until the end of 2022, the project involved:

  • more than 37 500 students
  • more than 500 schools in 70 cities
  • 1 788 workshops for students
  • 95 interactive shows
  • 119 Student Festivals and Action Days
  • more than 17 700 teachers
  • 493 seminars for teachers
  • more than 150 trainers, animators, theatre educators
  • 60 directorates of education, 10 university departments, 20 municipalities and other organisations.


The project provides resources and tools for the promotion of tolerance, solidarity and peaceful co-existence between local communities and refugees, and promotes respect for human rights. It also directly helps to eliminate racism and promote refugee inclusion within schools and their communities.

The project manages to:

  • provide access to educational and informative material and teaching tools for the use of drama techniques, with a view to promoting tolerance and solidarity
  • engage students and young people through participatory processes and drama techniques and raise awareness about refugees
  • create opportunities for participatory activities addressing refugee and local communities and to promote inclusion and prevention of racism in classrooms and the local community
  • promote networking among schools, academic institutions, local authorities and agencies active in similar fields 
  • reinforce related initiatives and good practices already being implemented in schools. 

Every year the project prepares annual reports that outline the successes, challenges and general results of the actions. View these here.

Who benefits

The project benefits teachers, students, parents, members of the educational community, local communities and, ultimately, society as a whole.

Funding and resources

The project is co-financed by the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet – Gr) and UNHCR.

About this good practice


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Country Coordinator
It coulf Be Me - It could Be you Drama/Τheatre in Εducation methodologies and activities for raising awareness on human rights and refugees
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