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Integration Pilots

Migrants and locals support the integration of newcomers as pilots/ mentors in all questions related to integration.

Project Goal

The aim of the project is to support the integration of migrants and to qualify the volunteers.

How it works

Agencies qualify and train volunteers who can then act as mentors.


- In 2007 approximatively 120 courses were offered to qualify the volunteers. Approximately 1000 persons, mostly with a migration background participated.
- The project is still in high demand
- The volunteering of mentors entails a variety of activities. Pilots act in different areas such as in schools, education, sports and health.
- Each area demanded a different module of qualification
- The “Integration Pilots” support individuals, groups and institutions. 


Evaluative Reports on the Integration Pilot approach have been published by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS): IMIS-Beiträge Nr. 29/2006: "Integrationslotsen für Stadt und Landkreis Osnabrück: Grundlagen, Evaluation und Perspektiven eines kommunalen Modellprojekts", edited by Michael Bommes and Holger Kolb.

Contents of the Issue (see download):

    * Michael Bommes: Einleitung: Kommunen als Moderatoren sozialer Integration
    * Kai Leptien: Das Osnabrücker Integrationslotsenprojekt: Konzeption, Umsetzung und Ausblick
    * Jochen Weber: Integrationslotsen als innovative Form der ehrenamtlichen Arbeit mit Zugewanderten in der Stadt Osnabrück
    * Werner Hülsmann: Integrationslotsen – Impulse für die Integrationsarbeit im Landkreis Osnabrück
    * ANHANG: Theresa Hunger und Tanja Jeuthe: Transnationalismus – zur Karriere eines Begriffs. Bericht zur Tagung ›Transnationalisierung sozialer Ungleichheit‹ der Sektion ›Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse‹in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie

Further Evaluation results are attached and can be downloaded from:



Who benefits

All migrants of different generations

Funding and resources

The State of Lower Saxony finances the project with annually 300.000 EUR

About this good practice


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Themenheft: Evaluation Integrationslotsen für Stadt und Landkreis Osnabrück
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