This project promotes active citizenship among immigrants, aims to strengthen the dialogue between immigrants and decision makers, raises awareness on Finnish political system and improves participatation in order to support integration.
Project Goal
The project has been necessary to raise awareness on the Finnish political system, promote active citizenship among immigrants and to promote intercultural dialogue among different groups; like the decision makers, politicians, and third sector representatives. The project has been realized in three phases. At its third phase one of the main topics was the Finnish parliamentary elections, during which the project focused on helping the voices of those who do not have the voting right to be heard during the election debates and also on encouraging the “new citizens” to be active in the elections; by voting, campaigning, taking part in the debates, etc.
The project reached hundreds of immigrants throughout Finland, through its wide social network established by its volunteer workers who represented different ethnic and language groups. The trained volunteers carried the information they received from project seminars and trainings to their own networks in the cities they came from in Finland. At its final stage there were project workers also in Turku, Oulu and Lappeenranta where in each city there were specific target groups to work with (Chinese, Sudanese, Thai and Russians). During this time, in four cities, in total 60 info events were organized and 3 larger seminars were held in Helsinki. Under the election campaign called “Kaikkien Vaalit” (Our election) there were, in addition, 18 panel discussions coordinated by the iCount project in 18 different cities around Finland. These panels brought together the MP candidates and the new Finns to discuss matters that concern us all equally.
Who benefits
- Main target group consisted of immigrants from outside EU countries. But also NGO workers, politicians and officers were among iCount’s target.
How it works
Project organized workshops, trainings and seminars, attended academic seminars to share good practice and enrich its practical fieldwork with theoretical background, produced materials like the “Active citizenship’s guide to influence”, brought together representatives of different sectors at forums and round-table discussions, closely worked with ministries, municipalities and political parties not to mention other NGOs, kept a strong presence in social media and campaigned.
- Around 2000 participated to project’s events around Finland and through social media, press media and other channels the number of people project reached in total exceeds 10 000.
- 60 info events were organized, 3 seminars, 18 panel discussions under “Our election” campaign and project was invited to attend to numerous events of partner organizations.
- Through the work of project a Chinese association was established for the first time in the city of Turku.
- New practices were introduced to city of Oulu for organizing workshops under the title of participation and influencing.
- Based on the new comers to hearings and residents’ council meetings, the number of active residents among immigrants raised substantially in Lappeenranta due to work of iCount.
- 22000 people who received their Finnish citizenship over the past four years received “congratulatory voting letters” this year as first time voters for the first time from the Ministry of Justice who is the main responsible body over public elections in Finland. This was also one of the outcomes of the project’s work.
- For the first time in Finland a national campaign organizing panel discussions under the same format and title, was run under the parliamentary elections which raised issues related to immigration, integration and multiculturalism.
- Co-operation among public and third sector was well established.
- Further information can be gained from the project’s webpage.
- The project has received only positive feedback from ministries and officials from municipalities. As well as from participants and immigrant communities.
Funding and resources
- Project was funded by EU Integration Fund by 75% of the total budget.
- The total budget of the project was around 150 000euros.
- Apart from one full-time project co-ordinator, there was also the project director, assistant and three project workers employed for the third phase of iCount project.
About this good practice
- Project dates
- -
- Geographic area
- Finland
- City
- Helsinki, Turku, Oulu, Lappeenranta
- Organisation
- Moniheli ry – Network of Multicultural Associations
- Contact person
- Riitta Salin
- Position
- Executive director
- Posted by