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08 March 2022

Czech Ministry of Education provides information and support to schools welcoming Ukrainian students

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The Czech Ministry of Education has launched a website providing direct integration support to schools as they welcome new Ukrainian students, as well as to these new students themselves. The website also serves as a database of information and methodological materials. As a first response to the arrival of Ukrainian citizens, the following materials are now published on the website:

  • The Education of Ukrainian Children in the Czech Republic publication, which is intended for kindergartens, primary, secondary and higher vocational schools and their founders. It focuses on specific procedures for integrating children and pupils into the collective and rules for their inclusion in schools. It also contains useful references, for example on managing language barriers and the education of foreign pupils, and important contacts.
  • The Handbook for schools in times of disaster, prepared in conjunction with the National Institute of Mental Health. This is designed as a resource for primary and secondary school teachers. It offers activities that can be undertaken with pupils and materials to help raise sensitive issues within the school community, in order to prevent conflict in classrooms and to take care of pupils' mental health.
  • The How to proceed with educational inclusion in the Czech Republic publication, addressed to Ukrainian parents. This provides a basic overview of the Czech education system and advises parents on what to do once they arrive in the Czech Republic. The handbook is available in both Czech and Ukrainian.

Interpreting and translation services in the field of education

In addition, the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic (NPI CR) is providing support in the form of free translation and interpretation services in all regions of the Czech Republic. Translations of all relevant documents are available free of charge to schools and educational institutions. The translations are categorised by school type.

Practical information on inclusive education

The National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic also runs an interactive website, which provides a practical guide to inclusive education. The website features a series of podcasts, in which the voices of experts on various aspects of inclusive education, as well as the experiences of parents and children, can be heard.


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Czech Republic
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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