The good practices featured below have been identified by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and edited by EWSI. The latest examples come from 2019, while some earlier practices were collected through a special CoR study in 2012.

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Local and regional integration practices (261)
Showing results 20 to 30
Helping Hand 3
Helping Hand 3 provides free, individual legal, social and psychosocial counselling and assistance to third country migrants in the Czech Republic...
RAP:I:STAN - Rap music and poetry against discrimination and for integration
RAP:I:STAN – Rap music and poetry against discrimination and for integration is a project implemented by non-profit organisation Rapolitics which uses...
Information service point Info Gloria
Info Gloria is a two year (2015-2016) project which has developed information services for immigrants. It is implemented by NGO Support in Central...
How to make a multi-cultural population live together well in the BILOBA house?
How to make a multi-cultural population live together well in the BILOBA house?
Mit VEREINten Kräften - Beratung von migrantischen Non-Profit Organisationen und Initiativen in Berlin
Stärkung, Professionalisierung und Empowerment von kleineren, ehrenamtlich geführten migrantischen Vereinen durch Beratung, u.a. in Hinblick auf...
XEIX - Fostering intercultural relations around local businesses
The XEIX project which promote economical, social and cultural development is implemented in Barcelona neighbourhoods with an important presence of...
SKUHNA - “Slovenian World Cuisine”, improvement of social conditions of migrants, while enriching the Slovenian society
SKUHNA or “Slovenian World Cuisine” is an innovative project of social enterprise, which, together with migrants and refugees, has been developed by...
Histoire de deux mains pour demain - Dialogue intergénérationel
"Histoire de deux mains pour demain" est un travail de mémoire et de transmission de l’histoire de l’immigration. C’est l’histoire des immigrés...
Integrating - Migrants workers' integration through information provison
Odemira is the largest municipality in the country in terms of territory. It is currently hosting approximately half of immigrants residing in the...
PROXI: Online Project against Xenophobia and Intolerance in Online Media
The project PROXI aims to contribute to preventing the appearance, development and spread of xenophobic and intolerant attitudes among the population...