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European Website on Integration
31 December 2009

Integration Plan of the Madrid Autonomous Community 2009-2012


The Integration Plan 2009-2012 makes a thorough analysis of the situation in the Madrid and reflects on the state of immigration from a new perspective: the evolution towards stability and settlement in this region.

The Integration Plan, based on freedom, places the immigrant in an open and cosmopolitan society, working for every person to develop their skills and advances further towards coexistence. 

The Integration Plan 2009-2012 is a comprehensive strategy that promotes actions for immigrants to feel Madrid as their own place. To achieve this goal, it will work on the active participation of immigrants in this society and strengthen the actions of guidance, training and employment improved, the main factor of integration.

Similarly, this plan places greater emphasis on family and youth, thereby addressing the emerging issues of immigration. It meets the demands of families who have become reunited after years of separation, the process of integration of the second generation and encourage immigrant women as engine of the family unit, with equal rights and rejecting all forms of violence against women. 

It focuses on the main goal of this society: the momentum of social cohesion, where new and old Madrid citizens remain living and working in harmony, advancing in mutual understanding and sharing the principles of modern society: freedom, equal opportunities and welfare.

Click here to download the Plan


Comunidad de Madrid
Geographic area
Contributor type
Regional governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator

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