If you want to implement a project in a specific EU country, you can benefit from EU funds available through the national or regional bodies in each EU country. The funds are run according to national programmes based on the larger EC goals.
In each EU country, the national or regional bodies in charge of these funds periodically open calls for proposals to which different types of stakeholders can apply. In addition, various public and private funds may also be available in the different EU countries.
EU funds supporting the integration of third-country nationals, 2021 - 2027
See all national-level calls on EWSI below, and visit the links to find the national distributing bodies of the different funds.
EU funds available through national bodies
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EU funds available at national level (581)
Showing results 580 to 581
Heinrich Boell Foundation grant programme: Media diversity, differently: Young migrant women in journalism
'Sie sind AbiturientIn oder StudienanfängerIn und wollen JournlistIn werden? Sie stammen aus einer Einwandererfamilie oder haben einen binationalen...