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Integration Network for Migrants

The network which is active in the district of Stendal, brings a variety of actors and institutions together who are committed to addressing the needs...

Plateforme Migration et integration

Des organisations non gouvernementales et des syndicats prennent des positions communes, élaborent des avis communs par rapport à des projets de loi.

School in the World

With the School in the World project the Municipality of Utrecht wants to make pupils acquainted with the various cultural backgrounds of the Dutch...

ICT training for Bolivian women

Research project focusing on training 40 Bolivian women in the Barcelona area who have to tackle the new challenge of incorporating ICTs into their...

Zusammen ist besser

Von Rafi Shami's Buch " Wie ich Papa die Angst vor Fremden nahm" - ins Luxemburgische übersetzt hat ikl -ASTI ein Theaterstück erarbeitet . Es ist der...