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ICT training for Bolivian women

Research project focusing on training 40 Bolivian women in the Barcelona area who have to tackle the new challenge of incorporating ICTs into their lives. Through this research project we attempt to understand and analyse how immigrant women interact with technology and the major problems they encounter. A primary objective is to design a training and communication strategy for immigrants.

Project Goal

This project aimed to analyse to what extent today’s Information Society affects the dynamics and migratory experience of Bolivian women in Catalunya.

How it works

This project, focusing on the relationship between ICT and immigrant women, started in July 2008. It consists of an analysis of the use and knowledge of ICT among a group of 40 Bolivian women who participated in a free training course entitled “New technologies at our service”, which took place over three months in a public library and in a centre of the Open University of Catalonia.


By means of this methodology, the research group was able to observe and analyse how these women, many of them mothers of children who were left behind with family members in Bolivia, place a great deal of trust, need and emotion in ICTs.

The results of the project are to be found in the attached document.


Observations of the training sessions were made during the twelve-week course and 40 in-depth interviews and different group discussions were carried out with the participants.

The participants filled out evaluation surveys.

This action-research process has produced interesting results on the uses of ICT, and is a one-of-a-kind study in Spain. IEM are part of the team, as researchers or trainees, and are actively involved in the different aspects of research and training. The whole process and its results are well documented, and allow interested stakeholders to better understand migrants’ needs in communication and ICT.

Who benefits

40 Bolivian women living in Barcelona and surroundings

Funding and resources

The project was sponsored by: Institut Català de les Dones

More than 20 professionals from different fields have participated in this project, from experts in pedagogy to experts on Bolivian society and on mental health in the context of immigration. The project included the participation of scholars and technical experts from the Open University of Catalonia and researchers and students from the IN3 doctoral program. In addition, student interns whose education is centred on pedagogy were hired for the project. The research institute is currently working on several projects with these women and their relationship with ICT.

Part of the research team has migrant origins, and the target group was involved in the whole process.


About this good practice


Posted by
Sarah Cooke O Dowd

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