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European Web Site on Integration - November 2020

EU Highlights:

  • The fourth edition of the Canada-EU Migration Platform, dedicated to the integration of migrant women, is now out - watch the webinars on EWSI. Stay tuned for the closing event on 18 December, to be streamed live on EWSI.

  • The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) published a study projecting the net fiscal impact of immigration in the EU. It found that the increased labour market participation of non-EU migrants could generate large fiscal gains for host countries.
  • Another study by the JRC found that being both a woman and born outside the European Union reduces a person's chance of active participation in the European labour market, even if that person is highly educated.


Sweden: Intensive Year programme facilitates integration and employment

The Swedish government introduced the Intensive Year programme for newly arrived asylum seekers, with the goal of securing them employment more quickly. The programme, to be run by the Swedish Public Employment Service, will begin on 15 April 2021.  The idea is that the programme's participants will find their first job within one year, following completion of the first intensive year. The …

Getting refugee and migrant women into the labour market – what works?

The Danish state has launched a new package of information and advice for caseworkers in local administration, focusing on how to tackle the specific challenges that women with refugee and migrant backgrounds are facing when it comes to self sufficiency. Women who came to Demark as refugees, through family reunification or from non-Western countries are falling behind their male counterparts when…

Slovenia: Ombudsman criticises the treatment of detainees at the Postojna Centre for Foreigners

The Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia spoke on the new method of placing detainees in containers at the Centre for Foreigners in Postojna. After two visits to the centre in 2020 with his experts, he informed the Ministry of the Interior of his findings and, after receiving their response, prepared a final report. The report was published on 10 November 2020. Inappropriate long-term accommodat…

France: Accès aux droits pour les personnes étrangères dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire (COVID-19)

La Cimade a interpellé, par un courrier en date du 10 novembre 2020, les ministères de l’Intérieur et de la Santé, ainsi que la Défenseure des Droits, pour que soient prises des mesures de protection des droits des personnes étrangères, notamment sans-papiers, et des mesures de sécurisation de leurs déplacements vers des associat…

Funding opportunities

Spain: Funding call for programmes fighting COVID-19 social exclusion and inequality

On 20 November Catalonia's Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families launched a call for proposals. Eligible programmes will be those working to reduce the social exclusion and inequality-related effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be a total of 473 684.21 EUR available: 450 000 EUR in 2020 and 23 684 EUR in 2021. Funding awarded to any one project will represent a percentag…

Luxembourg: Appel à projets pour le Plan d'action national d'intégration

Le Département de l'intégration du ministère de la Famille, de l'Intégration et à la Grande Région lance un appel à projets pour le financement de projets favorisant l'intégration au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg pour l'année 2021. L'appel s'inscrit dans la stratégie de mise en œuvre du Plan d'action national d'int&eac…

Integration practices recently added

Kologa: Integration through flatsharing

Kologa helps refugees and locals to meet and become flatmates in Brussels. The organisation facilitates flat-sharing, offers legal and administrative support as well as long-term and regular follow-up, and provides mediation if needed.

RIMES, Réseau de l’Interprétariat Médical Et Social

Dans le contexte de la société française accueillant des personnes étrangères non francophones, la barrière de langue constitue un frein majeur à l’accès aux soins mais aussi aux droits et à l’accompagnement social des personnes. Le recours à l’interprétariat s’inscrit donc pleinement dans le plan …

Latest documents

At the nexus of language, identity and ideology: Becoming and being a highly proficient second language speaker of Finnish

This multiple case study focuses on second language speakers of Finnish and their lived experience of everyday language use in Finland. The participants are late multilinguals who moved to Finland and learned Finnish as adults, and have reached a very advanced level of second language competency. Given that such speakers of Finnish are still often considered exceptional, the aim of this study is …

Public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers in Bulgaria 2019-2020

This report analyses two separate surveys, aiming to examine Bulgarian society’s attitude towards refugees. These surveys are a 2019 UNHCR survey and a 2020 study by the Bulgarian Academy of Science. The key themes of the report are: Investigation into the motives of people’s attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers; Exploration of perceptions and reasons for fears or concer…

Situation of foreigners, migration and integration in the Czech Republic 2019

This is the 2019 edition of Czech Republic's annual report on migration and the integration of foreigners, from the perspective of the Interior Ministry. It provides a historical comparison of relevant indicators, along with an analysis of migration trends and policy measures. Key statistic given in the report include: Migrants make up 5.5% of the Czech population; The number of migrants in t…

Diversity Networks: Networking for Equality?

This paper discusses the findings of a multiple case study of five different diversity networks in a financial service organisation in the Netherlands. It draws the conclusion that the value of diversity networks is limited when they address only the individual and group levels of equality and leave systemic inequalities at an organisational level unchallenged. The number of diversity networ…