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Facilitating the integration of TCNs into Romanian society

The overall objective of the project was to improve the third country nationals’ chances of integration by providing them with the needed assistance to increase their knowledge of the Romanian language, improve their employment opportunities and access to public services.


Project Goal

The rationale of the project was developed on the results of previous studies carried out by ADO SAH ROM in the field, as the organisation has been extensively involved for years in activities dedicated to migrants, including TCNs, in Romania. At the same time, studies carried out by Soros Foundation, e.g.  “Immigrant in Romania: Perspectives and Risks”, 2008, were also considered when the project rationale was developed.

These analyses underline that various barriers exist in Romania (i.e. language, cultural differences, lack of social relationships in Romania, lack of union representation, lack of information related to the social benefits TCNs should have as employees in Romania) and these hamper the migrants’, especially from third countries, integration in the country but also make them vulnerable on the labour market. 

A particularity of the Romanian context is the definition of the country in the context of “migration”: although there are almost 60.000 migrants (out of which 49.000 TCNs) in the country, Romania defines itself as a “transition” and not as a “target” country. The public policy of the National Immigration Inspectorate within the Ministry of Administration and Interior is further defined by taking this definition into account. Although provided by national law and strategies, is seems that a series of services are not provided by the public institutions themselves (e.g. Ministry of Education does not organise Romanian language courses anymore for TCNs, while TCNs need assistance for each direct contact with service providers, especially public) and this aspect is particularly important for the effects the project under analysis is having: as presented below, given this context, the impact of the project is even stronger. Overall, legislation in Romania is not very friendly to the participation of TCNs to the socio-economic life, and the lack of knowledge on the rights of (and by) the TCNs worsens these preconditions.

The project focused on several specific objectives:

  • To improve TCNs knowledge as regards Romanian language and Romanian values and characteristics;
  • To improve the number of TCNs with diplomas recognized in Romania;
  • To increase opportunities to access labor market on TCNs, by improving their access to vocational education and through recognition of their non-formal skills;
  • To improve access of TCNs to medical services by offering them relevant information, as well as social, legal and material assistance; 
  • To inform the TCNs communities on their rights, obligations and integration opportunities, through counseling and information services, as well as through information materials, freely distributed;
  • To facilitate contact between public institutions and TCNs, as well as to increase the level of information of institutions responsible with TCNs integration.

Who benefits

The target group was formed by third country nationals across the country (up to 50.000), with focus in some locations e.g. Bucharest and Constanta, but also Suceava, are towns with big concentration of TCN. A large number of these TCNs are in vulnerable situation (no income, no language skills, no qualification, no education).

How it works

The main activities of the project related to its expected deliverables and were focused directly on its target group (direct beneficiaries). In this sense, thematic toolkits were conceived (for Chinese, Arabic, Turkish and English), which allow the individual study of Romanian language. Each of them includes a dictionary, phrases, definitions and brief dialogues on certain topics: health, education, taking part in a job interview, industrial relations, the interaction with civil servants, fundamental rights and obligations. For the same ethnical groups audio materials were developed. Romanian language and cultural accommodation courses were organised and the Guide for TNC developed under the 2009 project “Welcome to Romania” was updated and translated into Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and English. Very important, vocational training and skills assessment, legal counseling, social counseling, financial assistance, information on access to medical services were also provided to the project beneficiaries. The activities of the project were announced and disseminated trough three major events, in each city covered: Bucharest, Constanta and Suceava, but also through a large number of other promotional activities/materials , especially leaflets in all languages of the project: Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and English.

The project is only one is a longer series coordinated or participated in by ADO SAH ROM in the last years (which also continues this and next year).  Three other NGOs were partners in the project, one of them being the Turkish Businessmen Association. The other two are representative organizations at local level, i.e. the Association for Alternative Conflict Solving (ADRA), Suceavasi the Association for Civic Resources (CRC) Constanta.

ADO SAH ROM is part of the national network working on TCNs and their integration (around 10 core non-governmental institutions and more than 30 associated ones, public and non-governmental), network informally shaped also by the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals itself, as this is one of the main non-governmental sources in this area, in Romania. The members of the network work closely  together in facilitating the integration of TCNs in Romania, sharing resources (e.g. public policy research done by the Soros Foundation and project results such as guides, magazines etc.)


The outcomes of the project have increased importance in the national/policy context sketched above and especially considering that the language courses organized in the framework of this project (and to be organised in its continuation 2012-13) are, at this moment, the only one provided to TCNs in Romania. At the same time, some TCNs groups are very closed (e.g. Chinese) and their participation in the project is a real success.

Further on, the utility of the thematic vocabularies and audio materials needs to be underlined: firstly, they are available in the language of all major groups of TCNs in Romania. Secondly, they are not only language resources, but information tools, as they are created based on real-life situations and embed “real” information on legislative provisions related to housing, resident permits, education, health insurance, marriage etc. directly related to the TCNs needs. Thirdly, further than the hard copies distributed (2000 thematic vocabularies, 800 CDs, 500 Turkish-Romanian vocabulary, 2500 copies of the “Welcome to Romania” Guide) these are available in electronic format and widely disseminated not only among the 50.000 TCNs in Romania, but also to the TCNs intending and preparing to come to Romania for various reasons (study, work, family).  

In a nutshell, the project registered the following results: 59 persons received a new qualification or improved their professional skills; 50 persons had access to health insurances, family doctor and treatment; 15 persons got their studies/qualifications recognized; 45 persons improved their Romanian language knowledge; 195 persons participated in l accommodation sessions; 108 people received legal and social counselling and financial support; 2500 persons have access to information and Romanian language materials in 5 languages.

The “integrated approach” applied, i.e. addressing language&culture and vocational training&preparation on applying for a job&diploma’srecongnition and direct access to health services and other social facilities (thus a focus on vulnerable groups among TCNs), enhanced by an “information net” created all around these components lead to better cultural and social, and in the end, economic integration of the participants. Despite these results, in order to attain acceptable economic integration, more efforts need to be invested in language and cultural courses, as well as in information and support with the administrative procedures related to each aspect of the TCNs life in Romania, in legislative changes. This conclusion is drawn based on the fact that still, despite the qualitative services provided under the project, a very limited number of TCNs benefiting actually found employment, on a permanent or temporary basis (4).  


A limited internal evaluation was carried out, based on a questionnaire sent to participants (in Romanian). A more comprehensive internal evaluation is currently planned and the project participated, through interview, to the programme evaluation of the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals itself.  

Evaluation indicators include:

  • number of direct beneficiaries and of representatives of public local and central authorities involved in the project
  • quality of information provided during the assistance of information
  • number of beneficiaries recipients of assistance and project activities
  • number of teaching materials published
  • number of publications resulting from the project
  • feedback from third party organisations and institutions.


Funding and resources

The budget of the project was 603.928,33 lei (€ 167.00) out of which: 

75% European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (452.946,24 lei);
20% national budget (120.785,67 lei);
5% ADO SAH ROM’s and partners contribution (30.196,42 lei).

About this good practice


Posted by
Alexandre Kirchberger

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