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European Website on Integration
Blue banner with the logo of the EC on top. The text reads 'European Website on Integration, Newsletter May 2024'. Illustration of people building a bridge on the side of the title.


Eurostat published new data, including infographics, on the 4.2 million people who fled Ukraine due to the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine and are currently under temporary protection in the EU.

eurostat logo

This survey investigates the thoughts and experiences of immigrant men who have come to the country as adults, in the context of the recent increase in services designed for immigrant women. It was produced as part of a larger project funded by the ESF+.

Flag of Finland

The Italian Constitutional Court ruled on the right to non-discrimination in access to public social housing for third-country nationals (TCNs), ensuring access to public housing for TCNs under the same conditions as Italian nationals.

Flag of Italy

Die UEFA Foundation for Children hat den Relaunch des Projekts "Football for Unity 2.0" angekündigt, das sich für die Integration von jungen Flüchtlingen, Migrant*innen und gefährdeten Jugendlichen in Europa einsetzt.

Flag of Germany

Spain approved a bill recovering the right to health care on equal terms for Spanish people residing abroad, for foreigners who arrvie via family reunification, and for all people residing in Spain regardless of their administrative status.

Flag of Spain

Funding opportunities

This call invites proposals for projects that support IOM’s global strategic objectives of saving and protecting lives, driving solutions to displacement, and facilitating regular pathways, with particular focus on the Ukraine response.

Flag of Hungary

Integration practices

Constatant que d’importantes difficultés persistaient pour les étrangers et que la qualité de l’accueil et de l’accès aux droits pouvait être améliorée, la ville de Nantes a décidé d’enrichir sa politique d’accueil et d’accès à l’information des publics migrants.

Flag of France

The pan-European SAFE project facilitated the exchange of experiences, expertise and practices among organisations involved in the implementation of private sponsorship schemes and resettlement programmes.

The word 'SAFE' in black block letter capitals, with a black and orange rectangular border

TAM TAM is a multi-service space, run by the Municipality of Salerno in collaboration with NGO Italian Association for Social Promotion (ARCI), which provides support, counselling and guidance on integration services for third country nationals (TCNs) and refugees.

Flag of Italy

Documents and publications

This study measures and compares the net fiscal positions of native-born individuals and migrants (from within and outside the EU) in 15 EU countries from 2007 to 2018.

The word 'TransEuroWorkS' in block capitals in three colour parts: green, yellow, and read, against a white background

This policy brief - produced for the MILE project - offers a comprehensive guide for municipalities and other professionals involved in local governance for the creation of inclusive political participation structures for migrants.

Logo of the MILE project

This factsheet by Fondazione ISMU addresses labour market participation and unemployment by citizenship and gender in Italy. Overall the data show that women have a higher rate of unemployment than men, especially those with non-Italian citizenship.

Flag of Italy

In case you missed it

Last month, EWSI published an analysis of where bridging courses are offered to TCNs in the EU and how accessible they are. The publication also includes many good practices and explores common challenges

The word 'ANALYSIS' in yellow block capitals against a blue background with a faded image of people building a bridge