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The Committe of the Regions (CoR) Integration network organised a panel session focused on building inclusive communities as part of the 10th European Summit of Regions and Cities.


This call from ACRA and Migrantour partners seeks good practices that promote alternative narratives on migration and inclusion at local, national and European levels.


Poland began development of its migration strategy for 2025 - 2030, with the first draft expected by September 2024.


A new online platform was launched in Greece via which third-country nationals can submit residence permit applications.


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) published an opinion piece examining the Estonian migration and integration framework, including relevant policies, trends, public opinion and the EU context, and recommended future steps.


Funding opportunities

Bulgaria announced a funding call for initiatives promoting intercultural education through culture, science and sport.

The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic announced a call for proposals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), with focus on supporting the provision of Czech language courses and assistance with the recognition of foreign qualifications, employment advice and orientation.

Cet appel à projets s'adresse en priorité aux gestionnaires de foyers de travailleurs migrants (FTM) et de résidences sociales (RS). Il soutient des projets qui permettent de réaliser des travaux de rénovation, de développer la gestion et l'accompagnement pour préparer la prise en charge des FTM et mieux répondre aux besoins des résidents, d'équiper les logements en mobilier pour les résidents âgés, d'assurer l'accompagnement social des résidents des FTM et des RS des FTM.

La direction de l'asile, au sein du Ministère de l’Intérieur, publie un appel à projets visant à assurer l’accueil et l’accompagnement, sur une durée de 12 mois, de réfugiés réinstallés dans le cadre du programme de réinstallation permanente. 

Hungary's Ministry of Interior published two calls for proposals which focus on 1) provision of complex support services for legal residents and 2) capacity building of local authorities and public and private service providers.

This call welcomes proposals relating to educational inclusion initiatives aiming to support the school integration of refugee children; facilitation of refugees’ access to safe, legal and decent employment; support in accessing long-term accommodation or housing; initiatives focused on the prevention of gender-based violence.

Upcoming events

This conference of the Belgian EU Presidency will highlight initiatives and policies fostering diversity and enhancing social cohesion in the Flanders region of Belgium as well as in various municipalities across Europe.


La Nomad House is a traveling cultural centre offering a free programme of theatrical performances, a photography exhibition, and a series of conferences all revolving around the topic of migration.


This guest lecture at the University of Warsaw will present a proposal for a novel approach to refugee integration which can both facilitate the integration of refugees and benefit host societies.


Integration practices

This project promotes solidarity, cohesion, and the integration of all refugees locally through the provision of refugee advice services, dedicated meeting rooms for refugees, and awareness-raising activities.


Documents and publications

Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Wochenberichts des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) konzentriert sich auf die Frühphase der Ankunft von Geflüchteten in Deutschland. Dabei wird untersucht, welche Unterstützungsbedarfe von den Geflüchteten angegeben werden, in welchem Maße sie Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen und welchen Zugang sie zur Gesundheitsversorgung haben.


The results of this study show that Estonia is making significant long-term progress in migrant integration.


This toolkit for service providers working with non-EEA migrants in Ireland explains the definitions of gender-based violence and human trafficking and the specific ways in which these issues can affect migrants.