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La troisième promotion de l’Académie pour la participation des personnes réfugiées débutera en mars 2024 pour 18 mois d’accompagnement. Le nouvel appel à candidatures est ouvert jusqu’au 29 février.


Croatia is set to introduce a new system for the implementation and funding of Croatian language learning. It will involve the delivery of short educational programmes in Croatian within several key sectors.


UNHCR Italy and employment agency ADECCO launched a new web platform to facilitate the development of labour inclusion pathways for refugees.


Funding opportunities

The Czech Ministry of the Interior announced a new call for proposals for AMIF funding, with the aim of supporting housing for people displaced from Ukraine.

Hungary's Ministry of Interior published two calls for proposals under the European Commission (EC)'s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The calls focus on complex support services for legal residents and the capacity building of local authorities and public and private service providers.

Upcoming events

The Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE) in Prague and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will hold a summer school on migration studies in August. This year's event will focus on refugee integration, and the deadline for registration is 30 April.


Vrije Universiteit Brussel will host a panel discussion focusing on the present and future of labour migration in Belgium. Researchers will discuss the needs and challenges of the Belgian labour market, profiles of migrant workers settling in the country, and the future of migration policy.


Integration practices

Le Guichet Info-Migrants de l’ASTI donne des informations sur la loi sur l’immigration et la libre circulation. Il offre aux migrants un service d’orientation, de guidance, de conseil et de suivi de situations visant à une meilleure compréhension des lois applicables et une conformation à celles-ci.


The City of Helsinki in Finland lanched an anonymous recruitment pilot project to evaluate how anonymity affects recruitment decisions and successes in the application process.


Documents and publications

The AMIF-funded  PISTE project published its final white paper - aimed at both researchers and policymakers - presenting research on the participation of people with migration backgrounds in small and medium-sized towns.


The European Migration Network (EMN) published an inform examining the challenges in securing access to autonomous housing for beneficiaries of and applicants for international protection, and highlighting relevant good practices by EMN Member Countries and Serbia.


This comprehensive report outlines the key needs of people displaced from Ukraine in Slovakia across various focus areas, including protection, health, education, and accommodation.


This report examines the capacity and functioning of the reception and asylum system for refugees and migrants (the SAI) in Italy in 2022.


This study explores the experiences of children displaced from Ukraine in Estonia, with focus on their daily functioning, challenges, and resilience.