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02 June 2020

Malta: Call for Applications Extended - Integration Priority Track 2020


The deadline for the call for applications for the Integration Priority Track 2020 has been extended and interested individuals can apply up until 15 June 2020.

The Integration Priority Track (IPT) Programme was developed last year by UNHCR Malta to provide individual support for refugees focused on long-term integration prospects. This is being implemented in partnership with the Jesuit Refugee Service Malta (JRS). The Programme aims to provide more tailor-made support for refugees and migrants, including access to tertiary education, skills and employability and entrepreneurship. Support is provided through an individualised action plan for long-term integration in Malta.

The IPT Programme offers three packages aimed at enabling individuals to continue and complete secondary education or sixth form, access Higher Educational institutions or increase employability. Individuals selected may benefit from all or some of the packages’ components according to the individual’s need:

  1. Stepping-Stone Programme for Higher Education

This package is targeted at individuals who have expressed a desire to access higher education. The package will enable them to meet entry requirements for a higher education course of their choice. Assistance in the form of course-related equipment or course fees may be provided to support an individual to access and participate in a course. The package includes English language classes, IELTS preparation classes and exam to enter university, ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) course and exam, private tuition to prepare the applicant for the course to be taken, payment for a course, assistance with purchase of equipment such as a laptop, stationary and books relevant to the course.

  1. Stepping-Stone Programme for Access to Employment and Self-Employment

This package caters for individuals who wish to access a particular job market but lack the necessary skills, such as sufficient language skills. The package includes intermediate or advanced English language classes, the ECDL course and exam, payment for a course and financial assistance, up to €1,000 for the purchase of equipment required by the course or to start a particular business.

  1. Stepping-Stone Programme for Secondary School Education or Sixth Form/O and A-Levels

This package is aimed at individuals in Malta who wish to complete their education. The package provides the necessary tuition and support to allow them to enter and succeed at school at an appropriate level for their age, despite having missed years of education and having been taught in a language other than English. The package offers an English language course according to the applicant’s current language level, private tuition in relevant subjects and educational material such as school books and stationary.


Eligible applicants are individuals in Malta who are holders of international protection (Refugee Status or Subsidiary Protection), Temporary Humanitarian Protection, Specific Residence Authorization, Asylum Seekers and Rejected Asylum Seekers with a CIO document and interim permission to stay are eligible to apply. Applicants should complete the application form (attached), which must be supported by a referral from an NGO or social welfare agency. Given the current situation where access to classroom settings is limited, the selection committee will also be considering issues of access to technology for applicants.

Completed application forms are to be sent to by 15 June 2020. 

(321.04 KB - PDF)


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PfC Malta
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