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06 May 2024

Romania: Changes to subsidies for beneficiaries of temporary protection

Flag of Romania

In January 2024 the Romanian Government issued a new act amending the conditions beneficiaries of temporary protection (BTPs) must fulfill in order to access state subsidies for accommodation and meals. The amendment serves to better mitigate the risks of inequality among and marginalisation of vulnerable refugees from Ukraine.

The amendment:

  • introduces new vulnerable categories - chronically ill persons and pregnant women - which are exempt from having to provide proof of (self-)employment if they apply for an extension of the accommodation grant after 4 months of receiving it;
  • exempts teenagers aged 15-18 who are engaged in formal income generating activities from proving that they are enrolled in either formal or non-formal education in Romania;
  • expands the meaning of a 'family guardian' for unaccompanied minors to include family relatives and other persons who have accompanied the child since their departure from Ukraine;
  • clarifies the procedures and deadlines for submission of subsidy requests by both local authorities who host BTPs in their accommodation and BTPs themselves, if they rent from private landlords.

Read the full, amended act online.


Romanian Government
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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