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European Website on Integration
27 January 2020

Czech Republic: action plan for the implementation of the national integration policy in 2020


The Czech government outlined its 2020 action plan for the implementation of the 2016 national integration policy. The plan notes several major areas of focus, defining concrete measures to be taken and designating the authorities responsible for their execution.

The action plan also provides an update on the increase of the number of migrants residing in the country: a total of 341 496 third-country nationals (TCNs) were legally residing in the country as of 31 August 2019. This represent over 3% of the Czech Republic's population. The biggest share of TCNs, 140 503 persons, are from Ukraine, followed by 61 507 TCNs from Vietnam and 37 717 from Russia. Their most reason for migration is employment, which accounts for 50.2% of the residence permits issued. Family reunification accounts for another 24.2%, education - for 12.8%, and entrepreneurship - for 5.8%.

Key actions of the plan to be realised in 2020 include:

• Increased knowledge of the Czech language through language education for adults and children, as well as through the provision of methodological support of pedagogues;
• Ensuring economic and social self-sufficiency, to be achieved through various programmes, job advisory services and re-qualification courses, as well as through the provision of up-to-date information of employers;
• Orientation of migrants in society through the provision of pre-departure information, followed by integration and adaptation courses;
• Connecting migrants and local population members through the organisation of events and intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, as well as by supporting foreigners' activities; 
• Integration on the local and regional level achieved through support of regional integration centres, funding opportunities for municipalities and supporting political participation of foreigners in the local policy-making process;
• Information campaigns targeting both the local population and migrants;
• Strengthened the professional competences of civil servants engaged in integration

The Czech government has allocated 48.9 million CZK, or 1.9 million EUR, of the state budget to implement these measures in 2020.

Postup při realizaci aktualizované koncepce integrace cizinců v roce 2020
(296.74 KB - PDF)


Ministry of the Interior
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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