This report, produced by the Council of Europe as part of the “Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus” project, illustrates the findings of a study conducted in Cyprus to assess integration policies and levels of community cohesion and social integration in the country.
The report also gives recommendations on how community cohesion and social integration in Cyprus could be improved through the involvement of communities and of all levels of governance. It builds upon interviews and surveys with relevant stakeholders, which reveal trends and challenges at both local and national level in relation to the following areas of migrant integration policy:
- Housing and living conditions
- Education
- Employment and the labour market
- Access to healthcare
- Social integration - community cohesion.
The Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus project receives funding from the European Union via its Structural Reform Support Programme, in co-operation with the European Commission's DG for Structural Reform Support.
- Geographic area
- Cyprus
- Contributor type
- Academics and expertsCountry CoordinatorEuropean Institutions/organisationsInternational organisation
- Original source
- Posted by