The funds listed below are available to migrant integration initiatives in Poland. Non-profit organisations and local authorities can apply for financing through several EU funds. In addition, national and private funds are available for service providers and other stakeholders to carry out projects aiming for a better integration of the migrant population. Read more about integration governance in Poland.
EU funds
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) in Poland
Details: NGOs in Poland have been eligible to apply for AMIF funding since 2019. The allocation for Poland under AMIF was nearly €283 million over the 2021-2027 period. Creating and implementing a national integration strategy is one of the integration priorities presented in the Polish AMIF programme. Other priorities include creating a network of Foreigner Integration Centres (CICs) based on the one-stop-shop formula and training of integration assistants.
National managing authority: The national managing authority for AMIF in Poland is the Department of European Funds of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) in Poland
Details: The EU contributes €12.9 billion to Poland through the ESF+ over the 2021-2027 period. ESF+ in Poland is meant to help build skills for the green and digital transitions, as well as to bring support to the most vulnerable. About 10% of the latter target group includes people displaced from Ukraine.
National managing authority: The national managing authority for ESF in Poland is the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy.
Other EU funds for integration available in Poland
ERASMUS+, the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe
National managing authority: Foundation for the Development of the Education System
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the EU by correcting regional imbalances
National managing authority: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD), offering material assistance to the most vulnerable or in need
National managing authority: Ministry of Family and Social Policy
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), supporting the development of rural economies and communities
National managing authority: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development[RS2]
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
National managing authority: Ministry of Maritime and Inland Navigation; EMFF supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies and finances projects that create jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts
Other funds
Other public funding in Poland
The Civic Initiatives Fund aims to increase the involvement of citizens and NGOs in public life through the development, implementation and monitoring of public policies.
EEA and Norway Grants aim to contribute to a more equal Europe, both socially and economically. The goal of one of the programmes, the Active Citizens Funds, is to strengthen civil society and active citizenship as well as to empower vulnerable groups.
Private funding in Poland
The Hello Entrepreneurship Programme supports migrants’ social enterprises in Poland.
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Funds for migrant integration in Poland (23)

Poland: Call for funding promotes migrant integration

Poland: National grants competition for integration initiatives

Poland: Funding call for experimental projects supporting migrants

Rapid Response Fund launches new call for proposals

Poland: Grant competition to support war Ukrainian refugees

Poland: Funding for NGOs supporting migrants available until end of January

Poland: Grant competition to support local integration initiatives in schools

Poland: Funding for social initiatives by refugees

Poland: Funding available for educational initiatives in a multicultural school environment