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Open and closed societies: historical reasons for and modern consequences of inequality in Japan and Europe

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This conference, organised by the University of Tartu Asia Centre, will examine inequality in education and the labour market from the perspective of migrants and socially vulnerable minority groups, including non-citizens, using Japan and the countries of the European Union as case studies.

Discussion will offer a platform for a scientific approach to and further discussion of minority communities in multi-layered, divided modern societies wherein human rights and equality are not always protected and not everybody has access to the social benefits of democracy in the same way. The event will take an academic perspective, focusing on the historical and legal roots of these problems, and facilitating multifaceted discussion that only expert interstate comparison can provide.

Issues addressed at the conference and workshop will include:

  • Historical reasons for inequality in Japan and EU countries:
    • Historical remnants of inequality and their influence and existence in modern society
    • Inadequacies of legislation (e.g., lack of anti-hate speech legislation)
  • Inequality and injustice in the education system and labour market in Japan and EU countries:
    • Problems of immigration and foreign workforces, the necessity of foreign workers in meeting labour shortages, and disparities in the labour market
    • Problems with the education system, access to education, and quality
    • Discrimination against ethnic minorities (e.g., the Ainu, the Zainichi Koreans) and particular social groups (e.g. hibakusha, burakumin) in Japan, as well as in EU countries (such as ethnic minorities and minority social groups); xenophobia and racism
    • Seeking solutions and examples of good practices (e.g., the current refugee crisis in the EU has forced governments and NGOs to act decisively and efficiently)

Practical information

Jakobi 5, Tartu
University of Tartu Asia Centre
Posted by
Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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