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Budapest is becoming increasingly attractive to foreigners. In addition to its constantly growing number of foreign workers and thousands of international students, there are also those fleeing war, and all new arrivals play a part in the development of the city. Those displaced from Ukraine who have arrived seeking protection over the past two years, for example, have made significant contributions to the diversity of the city, enriching its cultural and social mosaic.

The Menedék Association is organising a community fair with the aim of providing a forum in which foreign and grassroots civil initiatives can become active participants in social dialogue. There they will be able to share opinions, insights, and expectations, and share their own cultures.

As part of the event, there will be a community forum entitled What does Budapest have to offer to foreigners settling here?, where local government decision-makers and other participants will be asked how they see the relationship between Budapest and migration.

The event is organised as part of the Social Inclusion and Access to Basic Services of Third-country Nationals (AccessIN) project, funded by the European Commission (EC)'s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The event is co-funded by the Hungarian Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

View the full programme for the event here.

Poster of the fair featuring its title on dark green background.

Practical information

Menedék Association
Posted by
Boglárka Budai
Country Coordinator

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