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01 July 2024

Romania: Call for proposals for projects supporting employment through integrated service packages

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The Education and Employment Programme in Romania launched a new call for proposals from projects promoting employment through provision of active measures as integrated service packages, funded by the ESF+. The call addresses policy objective no. 4 of the Cohesion Policy 2021 - 2027: A more social and inclusive Europe.

The total available budget for this call is EUR 53 661 765, of which EUR 43 411 765 is allocated to the less-developed regions of Romania and the rest to the Ilfov region of Bucharest.

In Romania the employment rate still lags behind the EU average (standing at 67.1% as of 2021, compared to 73.1% across the EU). Unemployment affects mainly those with lower levels of education - only 34.7% of this group is currently employed - and is also common across vulnerable groups, such as young people, the elderly, those of Roma origin, those with disabilities, etc. The call aims to address the lower skills of and poor access to information and counseling within these groups. 

The proposals will offer packages of employment measures for disadvantaged groups that include at least the following:

  • Support with finding a job/job facilitation/integration in the labour market
  • Professional training programmes
  • Evaluation of competences gained in informal settings
  • Social and professional accompaniment (nursery, kindergarten, home services etc. costs, eligible for the period the beneficiary participates in project activities).

A needs analysis of the area/region of implementation, focusing on employment needs, opportunities and the number of potential service users is mandatory for every proposal submitted.

Target groups (18 – 65 years old): unemployed people, including those who are long-term unemployed and those with a low skills level; young people over 30 years of age; those over 55 years old; those with disabilities; those belonging to marginalised communities or minority groups; unemployed people from rural areas making a living from subsistence agriculture; those previously detained; those who are refugees holding a valid residence permit and the right to work in Romania. 

Project beneficiaries may be either unemployed or in employment but willing to update their professional competences. 

In order to be admitted for evaluation, a proposal must target at least 300 beneficiaries, of which 60% are unemployed, 9% are of Roma origin and 1% have a disability. Eligible projects will run for a maximum of 36 months.

Eligibility of applicants:

  • accredited public and private specialised service providers in the field of employment (e.g. information and counselling, job facilitation, professional training etc.) 
  • competence evaluation centers
  • public employment agencies and their co-ordinating or subordinated bodies.

The deadline for applications is 9 September 2024, 16:00 Romanian time (EET). Grants of between EUR 201 000 and EUR 1 000 000 will be awarded to winning projects.

Projects must be submitted online through the MySMIS2021/SMIS2021+ platform.


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Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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